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16.03.10. What to look for when choosing a graduate school

Stephen Hoare from the guardian shares his tips on how to choose a University for writing a postgraduate work. Aside from the obvious issues like the quality of teaching and the rating of scientific research at the faculty, students need to explore the area of ongoing faculty research. Thus students should not confuse if the University offering the most optimal combination of quality teaching and research for the proposed topic of the thesis, not included in the Association best research universities in the UK Russell Group (Russell Group).

Also important to the quality of social life of students. You need to see what social and cultural events organised by the University. It is noticed that the expansion of contacts with other students and teachers helps to add depth to the thesis.

The following point which needs to pay attention to the future graduate student contact time with teachers.

Moreover, it is necessary not only to consider the information contained on the websites of the universities, but also to examine the recommendations of other students at this University and the information received in communication on student resources on the Internet.

And finally, don't be shy to ask questions about the employment of graduates and update training plans and programmes in accordance with the requirements of employers.