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16.02.10. Guardian's postgraduate guide 2010 is ready

On the 16th of February 2010 Guardian published on its website the second Guardian postgraduate guide, covering master's degrees, including MBAs, and qualifications such as the postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE).

In these tables, readers can compare universities against the following criteria and rank them:

Number of postgraduate students

Full-time and part-time study are often very different, and the balance of provision can vary widely between departments with similar numbers.

Percentage of overseas students

Depending on the subject, this may indicate the international standing of a university.

Expenditure per student

We do not publish the actual figures. This score is marked out of 10 in bands to allow for comparisons. Spending on medical students is always going to be higher than on historians, for instance. Spending per student is based on combined figures for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, including central academic services. It does not include the costs of academic staff, as these are already counted in the staff/student ratio. The amount of money is divided by the number of students given as full-time equivalents (FTEs), so numbers of part-time students are converted to FTEs.

Staff/student ratio

This is based on combined figures for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in each subject.

Completion rates

For full-time and part-time students.

Tuition fees

For UK/European Union and overseas students.

Read full text here.