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15.04.10. University of Dundee is recognised as one of the best places in the world to work following doctoral studies

Faculty of life Sciences (College of Life Sciences) of the University of Dundee has again been selected as one of the best international institutions for researchers with doctorate (PhD). Annual survey of the magazine the Scientist has for this poll two categories: USA and rest of the world. In the latter category, the University of Dundee was the third, and in Scotland - the only research institution marked by the magazine. Professor Mike Ferguson, Deputy rector for scientific research, said he was delighted that Dundee has been voted one of the ten best international academic institutions for work doctors. "In these surveys, compiled from information provided by The individual Scientist scientists we succeed, he said. – It is very gratifying that our PhDs are satisfied with their work here. They are an important component of our research teams. They not only develop and implement the most advanced experiments, but also assist in the training of graduate and undergraduate students and promote the latest achievements of science. The faculty of life Sciences University of Dundee are working 278 doctors of Sciences. Of the ten universities in the list of The Scientist in addition to Dundee three British University. It Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research, Horsham, University College London and University of Cambridge.