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  • 1147

12.04.10. The first UK degree in the fight against cybercrime

Unauthorized access to security buildings, border control and into cyberspace contributed to some of the most high-profile terrorist and criminal atrocities of this Millennium. These problems have become the subject of careful study in the open University of Abertay Dundee programme, the first of its kind in the UK.

Cybercrime is estimated today as one of the fastest growing criminal activities, and a new course MSc Intelligence and Security Informatics will equip students with skills for analyzing and dealing with violations ranging from financial fraud, hacking and virus attacks to harassment via e-mail and identification fraud.

In 2006, the University Abertay Dundee became the pioneer undergraduate course on anti-computer hacking (BSc in Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures) and two years later a master's degree.