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12.04.10. The better your University, the better your career connection

According to “The Complete University Guide”, the people you meet at University can have a significant impact on your career, so the better your University, the better the quality of teaching material equipment and classmates - especially useful to tie a contact. For better use of alumni network and contacts established during the study at the University, is particularly well suited getting an MBA. Jeanette Purcell, Executive Director of the Association of MBA (Amba) believes that "business schools in the UK are increasing their efforts to meet the growing expectations of the student outside of the course of study". According to Amba key elements needed to build a thriving alumni network, regardless of where in the world they are, are:

  • opportunities for the establishment of frequent contacts, both online and in person,
  • easy access to specific groups of alumni and events, as well as
  • continuous support in career and personal development.

But this phenomenon should not apply only to students of business schools. The alumni network of the University of Oxford, United in the Association of graduates connected with business (Oxford Business Alumni network), has about 7,000 members, half of whom are graduates of the business school and other faculties of the University. The Association provides graduates of Oxford regular assistance in employment and career. Breadth of coverage is useful for all students studying business and other professions.