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12.03.10. Professor of the University of Glasgow became members of the Royal society of Edinburgh

At the last meeting of the Royal society of Edinburgh (Royal Society of Edinburgh RSE), eight professors of the University of Glasgow (University of Glasgow) was honored to become members. The Royal society of Edinburgh is the Scottish national Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Membership in the RSE awarded to scientists whose academic or professional achievements are recognized by other scientists-members of RSE as outstanding.

Overall, 48 new fellows of the Royal society of Edinburgh have been selected through a rigorous four-stage process that ended with vote of all representatives of the Academy more than 1,500 people.

Professor Anton Muscatelli, rector of the University of Glasgow, commented: "the Fact that eight representatives of the University nominated for membership in the Royal society, is fantastic news for the University.
The quality of our research and teaching depends on the quality of our employees, and the recognition of the Royal society, given to my colleagues, confirms that Glasgow has great people, creating excellent work. They are vital to our quest to become one of the best universities in the world, and I would like to congratulate them on this significant and well-deserved honor."