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Special tests for admission to UK universities at undergraduate

Testing is a traditional method of assessing knowledge and skills of applicants, students and professionals applying for certain positions or those wishing to prove their skills. It is successfully used by UK universities for admission to which, in addition to General language certificates, mandatory may require certification of successful completion of one or more tests.

Special tests that universities in the UK offer applicants a first degree, solve two tasks:

  • Estimates of the total level of knowledge, mindset and personal qualities needed for success in the chosen subject area. Such tests involve a great command of the English language;
  • Assessment of knowledge of the subject and the corresponding English terminology.

Estimates of the total level of knowledge, mindset and personal qualities

This group of tests involves the bare minimum of questions on grammar, reading, listening, etc. in pure form. Not checked and special knowledge, and just General level of the candidate in certain subject areas, as well as language skills in General, ability to work with information to structure and formulate ideas, analyze, and draw conclusions. Testing is conducted in English, and so initially assumed a very high linguistic competence of the candidate.

Admission to some programs – for example, legal or medical universities can refuse to consider an application if the applicant does not have time to reserve and make payment for the test by a certain date.


LNAT (The National Admissions Test for Law). Measures the ability to understand and interpret the information, and the ability for analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction. Consists of two parts: a questionnaire with possible answers and essays, the duration is 2 hours, it seems on the computer. On the test website published a list of Universities that require its mandatory provision. Accredited in Russia centres in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.


UKCAT (The UK Clinical Aptitude Test). Evaluates the skills and personal characteristics that many medical schools consider it necessary for the future medical student. Consists of five parts, checking the ability to work with texts, tables, charts, diagrams, decoding of encoded information, to solve mathematical problems and to think abstractly. Also evaluated character traits and behaviors. Duration – 2 hours, it seems on the computer. On the test website published a list of Universities that require its mandatory provision. In Russia there are no accredited centers.

BMAT (BioMedical Admissions Test). Assesses knowledge in the school curriculum, as well as important for learning in medical school skills. Consists of three parts, inspection skills and approaches to solving various problems, understanding, reasoning, ability to analyze data, draw conclusions, apply school knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, as well as structured and concisely Express their thoughts in writing. Duration – 2 hours, shall be on official letterhead. On the test website published a list of Universities that require its mandatory provision. In Russia there are no accredited centers.


Another important test that is usually carried out already during the introductory interview is the TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment), which evaluates critical thinking and the ability to quickly solve a variety of problems. Its successful completion is required for admission to a number of professions (e.g., politics, philosophy or Economics).

It is important to note that the following list does not exhaust all the entrance tests that UK universities have the right to offer applicants.

Assessment of knowledge of the subject and corresponding English terminology

This group of tests is aimed primarily at identifying the knowledge in any subject areas. Because the tests are in English, it is assumed the high language competence of the applicant. Traditionally such tests in the subjects pass coming into Oxford and Cambridge: ELAT – literature HAT – history for the relevant specialties in Oxford, STEP – in mathematics, MML – modern and medieval languages for a number of specialties in Cambridge.

What you need to know the student prior to beginning test preparation

About IELTS, TOEFL and other tests of English language for foreigners