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Secondary recruitment in British universities for those who failed to contest

Студенты университета Ланкастера Lancaster University GraduationClearing (clearing) in the UK universities is the secondary set of the College's undergraduate programs, which allows applicants who received a waiver of the University's first choice or not received the required number of points according to the results of A-levels, IB or International Foundation, to find a suitable program in the universities in which seats are still available.

Thanks to the system of clearing students have a good chance to enroll in a British University, even when academic results are lower than expected.

In 2016, about 64 thousand students enrolled in British universities through clearing.

For whom it is possible to enter through clearing?

Admission through clearing possible for students who have graduated from programs that allow you to enroll in UK universities: A-Levels, IB, International Foundation, and similar. Because of a high school Diploma is not normally sufficient for admission to a British University admission through clearing, it is impossible for high school graduates who have not received additional education.

The timing of the UK universities through clearing

Applicants apply through clearing from July to October, as soon as they become known their results A-level, IB or International Foundation, however, some universities may delay the start of the program before the results of A-levels. August 17 – the date of announcement of the results of A-levels in 2017 (in Scotland – 8th August).

Accepting applications in 2017 starts July 5 and closes on September 20. In the interest of the applicant to start calling the universities participating in the clearing as soon as possible, because once you start the procedure of clearing the other students who have not received desired space in the University, are also beginning to contact with the admission committees of the University and every day seats available is less.

The process of admission through clearing

First, you need to make sure You hit the clearing. To do this, log into your UCAS account, you will have to wait for the message: “You are in clearing”. If this is not the case, you need to contact UCAS to request admission to the clearing system.

Further, after reviewing the program of clearing and identifying priority, immediate need to contact the universities that interest you and provide them all the information they will require, as a rule, examination results and your number in the system of clearing. Communication usually occurs via phone or sometimes via email.

After a University will make you a conditional offer (conditional offer), you must add the program of this University to the selected list on UCAS and wait for a confirmation of the proposal. If the University will cancel the offer, you will be able to add another program. To select multiple programs clearing system UCAS does not allow.

If the selection Committee questioned the proposal for the program, they may request in person, telephone, or Skype interview, and applicant, of course, is to consider the details of the answers to possible questions from the Commission.

British universities participating in the clearing

In a long list of universities participating in the program of the secondary set, along with the other includes:

The process of admission through clearing for foreigners

In 2016, more than 5,500 foreigners were admitted to British universities through the clearing. When applying this method to foreign students should act depending on what the conditions spelled out in the conditional offer. As a rule, it is necessary to confirm the school certificate, the results of A-levels or IB and good knowledge of the English language until the end of August. For students from Russia and CIS is critical, since a student visa to study in the UK must be obtained prior to the study at the University.

How to use the service Clearing