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How to make a successful application to graduate school at Oxford?

A guaranteed recipe for how to do graduate school at Oxford, perhaps, does not exist. Oxford University is a leading University in the world, admission to which requires from its students dedication, discipline, perseverance and intelligence.

Academic excellence is a key success factor, however, as perfect scores cannot guarantee admission to Oxford, and several fours in the diploma may not be an insurmountable barrier to this University.

The documents constituting the application for admission, not only according to admissions important facts about the applicants, but also creates a General impression of him as a student and person. The decision about admission is made based on aggregate information about the entrant, and therefore each of the documents, the application for admission must be done at 100%. Below predstavleny tips Oxford graduates on compiling a successful application:

  1. must properly, accurately and on time to fill in all the required forms and make a convincing motivation letter and other required documents;
  2. great importance will be the results of linguistic and other tests. The higher your numbers, the more chances that you draw the attention of the members of the examination Committee;
  3. will greatly increase your chances of the availability of scientific and other publicationsrelevant to the discipline for which you want to apply to Oxford;
  4. it is crucial the correct registration of the professional or academic summary (CV);
  5. fairly high importance will also be letters of recommendation. If you have no contacts with foreign (preferably Oxford or British) scholars and/or teachers, try to get a recommendation letter has been written by Russian scientists and teachers, known in the West and/or having a weight in the relevant subject discipline you have at home.
  6. in the process of preparing documents actively contact with University representatives, asking the questions to the head of the course and of the admissions Committee by e-mail. When you do this, try to keep your questions reveal you as a strong candidate for the program.