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For anyone studying at the universities of applied Sciences the Netherlands is the best choice?
For anyone studying at the universities of applied Sciences the Netherlands is the best choice?
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For anyone studying at the universities of applied Sciences the Netherlands is the best choice?

In the Netherlands there is a special category of universities — universities of applied Sciences universities of applied Sciences. They make up the majority of higher educational institutions of the country prepare in demand in the labor market professionals, are of good quality programs and teaching. However, students who plan to receive professional higher education in the Netherlands, often have difficulty in choosing a University, don't see the universities of applied Sciences in leading world rankings.

Find out what are the universities of applied Sciences why they are not included in the world rankings and for whom applied, the universities can become the best choice.

The scope of activities of universities of applied Sciences in the Netherlands

Unlike research universities the Netherlands, the operation of the application universities focused on two points:

  1. professional learning and development of students ' skills needed for future career,
  2. applied research.

On applied and research universities, and the difference between these types of educational institutions in the Netherlands we have been told. Let us consider each of the aspects of applied universities in the Netherlands.

1. Professional training at universities of applied Sciences the Netherlands

Adopted in the Netherlands, a problem-oriented approach to learning is almost not spoken in Russia, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. At the initial stage of studying in the Netherlands this may cause certain difficulties, as the students are not clear its essence and benefits. However, after several years of study, many students from Russia and CIS countries highly appreciate the results it yields.

Peculiarities of educational process in the Netherlands — a comparison with Russia>>

About teaching methods in the applied universities of the Netherlands

Teaching methods adopted in the universities of applied Sciences in the Netherlands, based on modern problem-oriented approach that considers the psychological aspect of the learning process. Students receive not only theoretical knowledge but also professional skills necessary to work in your chosen profession, as well as generic employability skills — the ability to make presentations, to speak, to work in a team, negotiating skills time management and project management.

On programmes of universities of applied Sciences

The universities of applied Sciences offer students programs that are focused on gaining knowledge and practical experience:

  • Study as a series of projects in which the student is an active participant or co-author;
  • A large amount of independent work on material individually and in groups;
  • Developing skills of intercultural communication, working in groups;
  • The system of exams and assessments, allowing students to visually see your progress;
  • Long internships in companies, institutions, industries ranging from 2nd year of study;
  • One or 2 semesters in partner universities of other countries to exchange.

Having knowledge in the classroom, students immediately use them in practice. Their thesis becomes the rationale, description and protection of a real project which they did together with the teacher, other students and the client companies.

Thus, the diploma of a graduate of a Dutch University in most cases, once embodied in the life, benefiting to the society and its authors.

All programs of universities in the Netherlands

Suitable for studies at universities of applied Sciences of the Netherlands?

Owing to the above-described features of the Dutch education training in the applied universities of the Netherlands are ideal for those students who:

  • possess independent thinking and strive for independence;
  • ready to actively manage their own learning;
  • prefer to work in a team and not individually;
  • willing to make the effort to understand different cultures, understanding and overcoming cultural differences;
  • I plan to build a professional career.

2. Research activities applied universities in the Netherlands

In relation to scientific activities, which are Dutch universities of applied Sciences it is important to note the following:

  • The study dealt with a number of Dutch universities of applied Sciences do not lead to fundamental discoveries, and are a tool that allows you to apply scientific discoveries that change the picture of the world, in practice. Applied research - a bridge between science and everyday life.
  • Not all universities of applied Sciences conduct research - some focus exclusively on teaching and to develop students practical skills.
  • Applied research is the scientific work aimed at solving practical problems: strong, established research methods database for specific campaigns, events and projects.
  • Applied research adapting the discoveries and achievements of basic science to daily practice, help to innovate, to solve problems of a particular business, manufacturing, government agencies, various projects.

What is important to know about Holland prospective students

Why universities of applied Sciences the Netherlands are missing in the world rankings?

The universities of applied Sciences the Netherlands are missing in the world rankings, because they do not conduct fundamental scientific research, have published papers and citation index, which is one of the most important parameters evaluation of universities in all the world rankings.

How to choose a University of applied Sciences in the Netherlands>>

Studies that are many universities of applied Sciences the Netherlands always have a very specific and practical goals and objectives. For example, they contribute to the improvement of health and quality of life and education, increase economic performance, increase company profits. Universities of applied Sciences the Netherlands are adopting many innovations and actively participate in important public benefit initiatives.

Examples of studies of the universities of applied Sciences the Netherlands

So, one of the largest universities of applied Sciences in the Netherlands HAN University of Applied Sciences , among others, conducts research for the automotive industry, contributing to the creation of “smart cars” - more comfortable, safe and economical. Another example from the same University studies in the framework of the program of development of sports talents of children and adolescents that can detect physical details and interest in topics or types of activities that will allow children to achieve the best results, to get more enjoyment from the classes and thereby attract more children to the sport.

Students in the aviation Inholland University "printed" a working model rockets in class, studying, what criteria should be considered when creating the parts for the rocket — aerodynamics of the item before it mass and strength.

Zuyd University of Applied Sciences , among others, conducts research that is helping to improve the environment and the design of cities, to expand the use of environmentally friendly sources of energy.


Adopted in the universities of Holland's approach to training follows the logic of the natural formation of man's new knowledge and quickly turn them into a practical, necessary in the daily work and life skills. Thus, graduates of Dutch universities immediately and completely ready to work - they don't need to spend a few years in the acquisition of professional skills and come to the realization that a significant amount of the material studied, they do not apply and, most likely, would not use in their practice.