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Opinion coeds from Russia about studying at a Dutch University Zuyd
Opinion coeds from Russia about studying at a Dutch University Zuyd
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Opinion coeds from Russia about studying at a Dutch University Zuyd

EI: Hello. Tell us a little about yourself, what program finished when?

Hello! My name is Maria, I'm 22 years old, I'm from St. Petersburg. In the Zuyd University I took a semester exchange program, students in the direction "international business", which was provided by Saint Petersburg state Polytechnic University Peter the Great (the faculty of international graduate School of Management) from September 2013 to February 2014

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EI: Why did you chose the Netherlands and the University of the South? What are the main advantages of studying in Holland and specifically in your high school you saw? What was important when choosing a school and program for you personally?

The Netherlands is a fantastic country, the small Kingdom in which I have always wanted to visit. A high level of quality of education, but also a multinational country, one of the main factors that attract foreign students. The choice of University was made very quickly, as the University of the South complied with all my wishes: studies in the English language, a practical orientation, international orientation, and the ability to learn in small groups that, in my opinion, allows to raise learning efficiency.

EI: What is the University of applied Sciences in the Netherlands? More practice — less theory? Whether students of the University of applied Sciences Zuyd, studying the theory in solving practical tasks, working on real projects commissioned by Dutch organizations from the first or second year teaching? What projects have worked for you? What was the subject of your thesis project? What was the outcome of the projects in which you participated?

Yes, it's true. At the University of applied Sciences most of the time students devote to the practical tasks. As I studied only one semester of the first year, I was not able to work on real projects, but during my training, I managed to participate in the management game, as well as to write a few projects for developing and launching my product on the international market. In addition, in each lesson we worked on real cases of different companies that allow you to understand how a particular theory in real life.

EI: did you have the experience of studying at the University of another country semester on exchange? What was this training useful?

During a semester on exchange in the Netherlands I have gained vast experience of life abroad, found a lot of new friends with whom still keep close contact. Study abroad is a sea of emotions and unforgettable events is that each student is required to try, if possible.

EI: do you Plan to stay in Holland to work or to continue their education in graduate/ return Home? Perhaps you already received an offer after the internship. If not, how would you look for?

I am currently in graduate school in Germany and after finishing my training plan to seek employment not only in Germany, but, of course, in the Netherlands, because this is a country whose government invests heavily in the development of technology with many attractive vacancies of work in successful companies, as well as affecting their well-groomed, purity and beauty – from a field of tulips are a sight to behold.

EI: What advice would you give to students who now are considering the admission to Dutch universities or choose between the Netherlands and another country?

Students contemplating admission to foreign universities, especially those wishing to stay and work after graduation in a certain country, I recommend to check and evaluate employment opportunities in the industry and profession that you are going to study. In addition, it is important to understand the seriousness of training, even before graduation to be configured to receive knowledge and every day to try to meet new people.

But generally, I suggest nothing to think about! Just drive and everything, the main thing is not to fear and not to doubt. ☺ In any case, studying abroad is a valuable experience, which is unlikely someone will regret.

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