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Interview with a graduate from the Dutch University of Leiden

EI: Hello, Almira! Tell us a little about yourself, what program finished when?

Good afternoon. I was born in a small town in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. In 7 years we moved to Moscow, where I went to school. In 2012 I graduated from the Russian Academy of justice (rsue) with honours (faculty of civil law), however, did not stop there. Received Shanenko (Higher school of social and economic Sciences) and successfully finished the program of the Russian-British graduate in 2014 (with Manchester University).

I work with a degree since 2011, but never lost interest in international experience and training. In August, 2016 finished the master's programme in International Civil and Commercial Law (Advanced programme) at Leiden University (the Netherlands).

EI: what criteria did you choose the country for training and why did you chose the Netherlands? What are the main advantages of studying in Holland you saw?

EI: the Netherlands – good value for money and quality in education. Most universities in the country – one of the top. Training is carried out at a high level of English. Moreover, this country offers many grants for foreign students. One such grant is the Orange Tulip Scholarship, organized by Nuffic Neso Russia – organization of Dutch education in Russia. There is also the possibility to receive a grant directly from the University.

EI: have you Received a scholarship and, if so, please tell us how you found it, and was it difficult to get it? What does it cover?

Yes, I was lucky. I won a University grant - Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LExS). To find it was quite easy – all the information on the website of the University. The main task was to write a motivation letter and send it with required documents in time. The competition was quite heavy, because the grant was given only 2 students from a class of more than 30 people. The scholarship covered 70 % of tuition, the cost of everything else has not been covered.

EI: please Tell us about life in General. Where did you live? Was it difficult to find housing? What did you do in your spare time? Whether you are looking for a part-time job?

I lived in a local hostel, however, the conditions were pretty good. The University helped with finding housing, so the problem with this question was not. Free time was not much, most of the time I spent in the library. Therefore, a part-time job to look for no meaning. Plus the Netherlands, particularly Leiden – nature (channels, fresh air and proximity to the sea). To travel around the country was very interesting. Sometimes allow myself to go to a frat party.

EI: How has your life been after graduation? Was it easy to find a job? Do you plan to return to Europe?

Upon returning back to Russia, I was immediately offered a job in an international company. In Europe there is a great desire to return, but first you need to find a job. Another plus of the Netherlands, which include the opportunity to obtain residence permit for a year to find work for 3 years after graduating from the local University in the framework of the Orientation year. I'm going to take advantage of this great opportunity.

EI: What advice would you give to students who now are considering the admission to Dutch universities or choose between the Netherlands and another country?

The Netherlands is a great alternative to many other countries, including England. At the end you will receive a diploma of one of the top University in the world, get experience of life in the international community with minimal financial outlay.

EI: the Most motivating event that happened to you during the study?

B March 2016, my team and I went to Vienna (Austria) to represent Leiden University at the international competition in the field of law Vis Moot Competition. It was a very interesting experience that I will never forget. Team members became my close friends, who I to this day communicate.

EI: please Give me advice to freshmen: just do not need to do student in the Netherlands? ☺

As much as it sounded "wrong", but do not take studies too seriously. That hardly helps to make the learning process more effective. Find a good balance between normal life and the library ;) good luck and new victories to everyone!

EI: Thank you very much for the interview!

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