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Interview with Daria, a student at HAN University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands
Interview with Daria, a student at HAN University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands
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Interview with Daria, a student at HAN University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands

EI: Hello! Tell us a little about yourself. How did you study in Holland?

Hello, my name is Dasha. I am 19 years old. I'm from the city of Yekaterinburg. With 14 years I began to dream about studying abroad, but, of course, where as I did not yet know. During the following years, I studied hard in English so I was able to go to any English-speaking University. In 10th grade I started thinking about what country I serve. My parents gave me freedom of choice, given the finances, of course. My dream was Canada. I originally watched the universities there, but found out that the University (in our sense of the word) do not fall immediately, but only after at least 1 year bachelor in Russia.

I was a little bit upset, so I started to look for Europe. About Dutch universities, I heard for the first time in school from a friend of my friend, who was also studying in HAN University a few years ago. I began to look about Holland: the level of education, standard of living, the percentage of English speaking population, etc country pleasantly surprised by description. I've never been, although have been at that time more than 15 countries. The level of education is very high and prestigious, I decided my search in favor of the Netherlands.

Students who choose between the countries, I would suggest to be the criteria. For each criteria will be different and personal. For me it was important that education was prized at the international level, and that in a country where English is not the official language, I could help or guidance in English.

EI: What was the most important thing to you when choosing a University? What drew University HAN?

I chose universities in the country, availability in the financial plan, the description of the program and the possibility of obtaining scholarships.

At the University of Arnhem and Nijmegen (HAN) I was primarily attracted to the program. I had to choose between Amsterdam, HAN and Saxion Universities of applied sciences. The program that I chose is called International business and management studies. I liked a short description of the subjects and the course, which is available on official website. Course price was also reasonable – about € 7,200 per year. Khan also provides dormitories for students not from Europe, I am very pleased, as I was traveling alone to an unfamiliar country.

The University offer 2 types of scholarships of 5000 euros to the state, if IELTS well-delivered and local criteria are suitable; and € 2500 University scholarship, which will automatically count all the students are not from Europe. One "but" - state scholarship is only offered 1 time. I got it in your 1st year, and in the second year received a University scholarship.

EI: Tell us about the first days at the University. What seemed easy and what is difficult?

I flew in the day before classes start, because I was turning 18 in late August. All procedures were clear.

In the morning I came to the University to pick up the keys from the hostel and a list of classes for the week. I was lucky because my first class started at 2.15. I managed to move into his new room and go to class.

Complex seemed intranet universities, because there were a lot of tabs, names of objects, and no one has explained how and why it is needed. After a while, I figgered it out myself. Actually this is a common learning portal with all the materials in the subjects.

I am the only child in the family, so my dad decided to come with me and help me settle in here. My family really were worried about me. He helped me in everyday terms (purchase of utensils, food) and in terms of exploring the city, because most of the day I was in the classroom.

I also helped International Office. They gave detailed step by step explanation of how to register in the municipality, to open a Bank account, finish the registration in the University and to obtain a residence permit.

EI: significantly different organization of studies, study process, communication of teachers and students from what you are accustomed to at Home? For example, how many classroom sessions a week is the schedule, what is a contact hour, what is the major/minor items that gives such a division, etc.

I would say, the organization of classes is very different. We do not study on Saturdays. We have a flexible schedule items: there is no such thing and from 8.45 to 17.30 standard and every day. Lessons are planned 2-3 a day. The first course items was more so of classes, respectively. Exams 4 times a year at the end of each quarter. Each real estate exam (score 5.5 from 10) and the draft United into a block. For example, the unit includes basic business subjects like marketing 1 and 2 and management. The number of subjects per block varies from 3 to 5, and items include not only exams and projects and presentations. Each block yields 7.5 European credits. Throughout the year, it is necessary to collect 60. The downside is that if the unit does not pass the exam/project/report 1 subject, the credits for the entire block is not credited, you have to wait six months to retake.

Exams here in the likeness of the exam, only without the extreme. Give assignments and sit to fill the answers. Depending on the subject matter examinations or open question or multiple choice.

Training in university of applied sciences implies that we apply all the knowledge. For their one and a half to almost 2 years here I did 8 group projects-research (in the fields of logistics, marketing, e-business, business plan). At the moment, do group project-study for a real company, which hired us for.

The communication of teachers with students is also different. We are all on equal. Of course, the teacher respect, but the strict boundaries of behavior are not. Lecturers can sit on the table during the explanation of topics to chat about life, to offer free coffee from the teaching corps. It was strange at first to be in such an atmosphere, but I very quickly got used and I love it.

>> Read about the University, HAN University of Applied Sciences

EI: do you Plan to stay in Holland to work or to continue studying in grad school?

Yes, I would like to stay here. Ideally plan to find a job when I graduate from Khan. But, if not, then go to graduate school. To me the Dutch have said that if you finish the master degree in the Netherlands, I will open the doors to any country in the world. Magistrates here are very prestigious and challenging.

EI:.What was the biggest surprise in the Netherlands that like?

Holland was surprised at the number of cyclists. I knew it – country bikes, but to that extent... it is common to see pensioners, mothers with 2 children and bags of groceries, people walking their dogs on the bike!

I really liked the local waffles stroopwafels – thin, with a filling of honey or caramel, smells of cinnamon.

At the end of the first course we had a Boat gala, organized by the students of HAN University. We rented a big boat and we celebrated the end of the year.

EI: the City of Arnhem, which houses the school of business, University HAN, is a center of design, culture and art. What do students do in their spare time and whether it is generally the students Khan :-) ?

I would not say that Almere is a special city. It is cozy and cute. Here are a couple of museums, cinemas, lots of shops, even a large zoo. For students there are small discounts.

In free time students usually go to the gym, movies, travel to other cities of the Netherlands. University HANBruist organization organizes extra-curricular activities as, for example, calligraphy lessons, singing courses, bootcamp, yoga, Pilates, basketball and so on.

Have a wonderful city library Rozet, where you can come to learn or just to read books.

Free time is not much, because I have to work on projects or prepare for exams :-)

EI: the Netherlands called the gateway to Europe, hence very convenient to travel, for example, to Belgium or Germany. Were you able to see the country/ to go to neighboring EU countries?

Yes, indeed, the gateway to Europe. I was in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Leiden, the Hague and Eindhoven. Trains can bring from one end of the country to the other for a maximum of 3 hours.

Last year I went with my girlfriend from Vietnam to France. This year I went to Spain with her boyfriend.

Also went with friends for a day in Ghent, Belgium.

EI: What is the most valuable experience you took away from studying and living in Holland?

About experience I can say that I have developed critical thinking, which in Russian is not taught. I also purchased a brand-new business mindset: no matter how difficult the task seems, I will still do in the end. At first I was very worried about all the projects and presentations, but then I realized that wasting nerves on the experiences, and easier to start to do.

About student experience I can say: "Difficult but possible".

EI: the Most motivating event that happened to you during the study?

In my course of 4 years of training, the third year is as follows: is it necessary to go to study somewhere in another country on exchange for six months, and six months internship in the company.

My motivation is to be successful in his training to notice me and, if possible, was offered a job. I want to prove that a capable of much.

EI: please Give me advice to freshmen: just do not need to do student in the Netherlands?

To buy an expensive new bike is a big no-no! Bicycles are stolen 24/7. Kind of funny, but really it happens often. And the new road bike will easily steal and then sell somewhere online for half the price. The castle is not important, if you can not open the lock, remove the wheel or something like that.

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