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Scholarship of Orange Tulip Scholarship for the 2018/19 academic year
Scholarship of Orange Tulip Scholarship for the 2018/19 academic year
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Scholarship of Orange Tulip Scholarship for the 2018/19 academic year

Is accepting applications for a scholarship to study in universities of Netherlands Orange Tulip Scholarship for the academic year 2018/19.

Requirements for candidates

General requirements for candidates are:

  • The presence of Russian citizenship;
  • Age from 18 to 35 years (for some MBA programs – up to 45 years);
  • Knowledge of the English language at no less than IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 80 iBT;
  • The lack of a bachelor's or master's degree issued by a Dutch University;
  • Written confirmation of submission of online application for admission at a Dutch University or a conditional letter of admission. In other words, the student must choose a University and program and begin the process of admission before you submit an application for a scholarship.

How to apply for a scholarship?

Candidates send in the Russian representative office of Nuffic Neso scanned copies of the following documents:

  • CV in English;
  • Recommendations from teachers, schools, universities, extracurricular activities, as well as employers, if a candidate has experience;
  • Confirmation of filing with your chosen University.
  • Attention! The student can claim a maximum of 3 scholarships - provided that he has submitted the appropriate application for admission to the universities participating in the program OTS. Each scholarship in the Russian representative office of Nuffic Neso need to send a separate set of documents that fully meets the above requirements.

Additional documents

Universities may request from the applicant additional documents - results of GMAT or GRE and others.

Also universities can have higher requirements to the results of the tests in English.

A complete list of documents and requirements for the scholarship can be found on the pages with information on each University party.

Requirements to registration of the application

  1. In your letter, please in the English language and Latin alphabet to specify: OTS 2018-2019, the Dutch University name. For example: OTS 2018-19 University of Amsterdam Olga Ivanova.
  2. Documents can be scanned as one file and separately:
    • If all documents are in one file, in the file name, specify only the name and surname of the applicant. Example: Ivanova Olga.
    • If the documents are sent multiple files, the names of each of them must be written in English and clearly reflect the content of the document. For Example: Olga Ivanova_CV.
  3. If the applications are submitted to multiple programs, each of them need to prepare separate set of documents. Each application with all necessary documents is sent in a separate letter.

The applications deadlines

Applications for the 2018/19 academic year are accepted from 1 November 2017

It is important! Deadlines the deadline for scholarship universities set yourself. See the list of Dutch universities-participants of the OTS with the deadlines here. Be careful in the preparation of applications!

Consideration of the application

Universities at their discretion consider applications for scholarships on free or paid basis. The cost of processing the application is on average €100-150. This amount is not covered by the scholarship, Orange Tulip Scholarship - the candidate pays for it themselves.

The decision to award the scholarship

The decision to award scholarships is the Dutch University to which the candidate has applied for admission. In most cases about the decision of the candidate notifies the Russian representative office of Nuffic Neso.