successful admissions
of students enter the university of their choice
students consult Education Index when applying for universites
International scholarship programme, Orange Tulip Scholarship, the OTS, established by the government of the Netherlands. Coordinator of OTS in Russia is a Dutch organization Nuffic Neso, which has offices in 11 countries, including Russia, China, Brazil, India, Mexico, Thailand, Vietnam.
The program helps students from different countries to study in Dutch universities are free of charge or with partial payment.
Coverage of the scholarships varies within the following limits:
The scholarship amount is determined by the participating University program OTS.
Scholarships are allocated for students of undergraduate and graduate programs received on a wide range of educational disciplines, technical specialties, law, Finance, Economics, arts, MBA. The training is conducted in English.
Russian Orange Tulip Scholarship programme was launched in 2014 and the first students went to study in Holland in September 2015. For the Russians of the 17th Dutch universities was allocated 50 scholarships totaling more than 500 000 euros.
In 2017/18 academic year, project Orange Tulip Scholarship for Russian students were allocated 70 scholarships, the total of which amounted to 717 270 euros. The program was attended by 21 Dutch University.
All students applying for a scholarship in 2016/17 academic year of funding received in every four; in the 2017/18 year of every five.