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Who can study in Holland for free? Scholarships and grants for study in Netherlands
Who can study in Holland for free? Scholarships and grants for study in Netherlands
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Who can study in Holland for free? Scholarships and grants for study in Netherlands

Despite the fact that in the Netherlands many educational programmes partially or fully funded by the state budget places for foreigners who came to study in the Netherlands does not exist.

Training in English will cost foreign students significantly more expensive than the Dutch, so knowing the Dutch language receive excellent training in the Netherlands, if not free, then very cheap. The cost of the English program, also you can try to reduce, spending some effort on finding at least partial funding. If the scholarship fully covering the cost of program and living, studying in Holland will be student free.

What are scholarships for study in Holland

Scholarships for studying in the Netherlands can fully or partially cover the cost of training and, in some cases, living expenses, current expenses, visa, insurance.

Full scholarships a little; to claim them, the student must meet certain mandatory requirements, show excellent grades and notable achievement in other nonacademic areas – in sports, social activities, etc.

Partial scholarships are among the most common are these which are awarded for the entire period of study, but only cover part of the cost is part of tuition fees or research costs. Often, such scholarships must be renewed annually to confirm the new application results. Also often offered one-time grants part – time education- e.g., academic year or one semester, without the possibility of re-treatment for them.

Today students from Russia can choose from 60 scholarships, grants and fellowships, from Kazakhstan – 62, from Belarus – 58.

The most famous scholarships for Russians in the Netherlands

Holland Scholarship– scholarship provided by the Dutch Ministry of education, culture and science, as well as research and applied universities in the Netherlands. Be eligible for students from countries outside the European economic area who act for programs of undergraduate and graduate programs in the Netherlands.

Orange Tulip Scholarship– scholarship program, which brings together 80+ scholarship provided by 20 universities of the Netherlands with the support of government agencies, non-profit and commercial organizations. Issued in 2015.

Levels of curricula: research and applied graduate and undergraduate.

Subject areas: Economics, communications, international Finance, business, MBA, leisure and tourism, art, law, medicine, mathematics, engineering, transport and logistics and many others.

Size: fully or partially cover the tuition fee and, depending on scholarships, living expenses, visa, insurance.

The deadline for applications and deadlines: November 1 deadlines should be clarified in the University.

Some universities do not participate in the Orange Tulip Scholarship, and offer their own scholarships separately.

Examples of full scholarships universities:

Who can apply for scholarships and grants

Basic requirements for scholarship candidates:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • The age of 35 years (45 years for MBA and Executive MBA).
  • The lack of a diploma of bachelor or master of Dutch universities.
  • The candidate for the scholarship at the time of filing of the application should not study or work in the Netherlands.
  • The availability of valid English certificates IELTS or TOEFL. Requirements: IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 80 iBT, but can be more depending on the University.

A complete list of requirements for a particular scholarship you must check on the University site offering financing.

How to get scholarship to study in Holland

Universities of the Netherlands, at its discretion, Finance the free education of foreigners in specific that are important to them, programs that's why finding scholarships need to conduct in parallel with selection of the program.

When the choice is made, the student checks to see if it meets the requirements of the University to the fellows. If Yes – sends a request to the program waiting for the response of enrollment prepares a motivation letter for a scholarship and assembles a complete package of documents. Having received confirmation of admission to the selected program, the student applying for the scholarship.

Important! The documents and application for scholarship should be prepared thoroughly and carefully as any document that asks for high school, can play a crucial role in the awarding of scholarships.

You must also follow the deadlines. For Dutch scholarships and grants there is no single beginning and ending dates of receipt of applications. It is important to take into account these terms, as some documents may take a long time.

To find a scholarship, grant or internship in the Netherlands, conveniently, using the Grantfinder database.

Internship in the Netherlands

While studying in a Dutch University student can undergo training which is included in the program.

In many programs, especially in applied universities – training included as an integral part of it and for it to pass points ECTS. To pass the internship the student does not need to issue additional permits to work – just to sign typical tripartite contract between the student, employer and University.

Another option is to do an internship in the Netherlands – to take part in exchange programs between the University of his country and universities of Holland.

For anyone studying at the universities of applied Sciences in the Netherlands is the best choice?