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Accredited and recognized programs in the Netherlands
Accredited and recognized programs in the Netherlands
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Accredited and recognized programs in the Netherlands

State policy in the field of education implemented by the Ministry of education, culture and science of the Netherlands. It distributes funding from the state, supervises the activities of educational institutions and programmes. Some universities in the Netherlands receive 100% state funding, others are funded partially or are completely private. The Ministry of agriculture and medicine are constantly monitoring the content of programs in their fields.

Control of the universities is carried out through system of state accreditation. An organization that gives accreditation - Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders, NVAO.

The accreditation process as transparent as possible and based on clearly defined criteria. All educational programs undergo re-accreditation every six years. Only accredited programs receive government funding and can be taught in the universities.

In addition, programs must be registered with the Central Register of Higher Education Study Programmes, CROHO, to get the status recognized. If graduate programs or undergraduate not on the list, the state does not guarantee its quality.

See the full list of accredited programs on the website CROHO.

Since 2011, state accreditation can obtain not only the programs but also the universities. NVAO assesses the quality of the University as a whole, what testifies to high quality of all its programmes. Thus, each program is still subject to state accreditation, but through a simplified procedure.

The Netherlands is actively working to become one of the world leaders in education and research. In 2006, entered into force Code of conduct - the Code of Conduct International Student in Dutch Higher Education. This document regulates the relationship between universities, other educational and state institutions with international students.

About the levels of training and educational programs of Dutch universities.