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Who gets the scholarship "Global education"
Who gets the scholarship "Global education"
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Who gets the scholarship "Global education"

Program "Global education" has existed since 2014, and at the moment its got 267 Russian student. In this article we will try to make a portrait of the ideal candidate to receive this grant on the basis of the successful fellows.

The program has a fairly short list of requirements and is open to a very wide range of applicants. In order to qualify for the scholarship, the candidate must be a citizen of the Russian Federation who have completed higher education, with no outstanding criminal record and have an offer of admission to a course graduate, postgraduate or residency.

Global education is sponsoring training in five priority areas. Among the already-issued scholarships, the first place is a programme of engineering (including information technology) – more than 35% grants; 25% of the scholarships granted for research activities; and the remaining scholarships are evenly distributed between directions in education, medicine and management in the social sphere.

One of the requirements of the Program is to return to Russia and work for three years in Russian companies. This assumes that no more than 10% of the graduates should get a job in organizations of Moscow and St. Petersburg. From this point of view it is logical that the selection of candidates takes place throughout the country to interested students from other regions of Russia had the opportunity to study in one of the leading universities of the world and return to his hometown. Indeed, of the 267 students of the Program half received previous education outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Speaking of previous education, 26 fellows at the time of receipt of the scholarship had a degree in a foreign University.

A good example of regional representation can serve as the partnership program "Global Education" with Innopolis University in Kazan. The University, in turn, has a partnership agreement with the American University Carnegie Mellon and is conducting its own selection of students for training in it. Some students who pass this selection, I used the program "Global education" and received a scholarship. Thus, the Volga region is quite well represented among the fellows, and Innopolis already hired several graduates.

Global education has no age limit, so some scholars going abroad to study with the children or with the whole family. Among scholars, there are people who were already enrolled in study at a foreign University. Such students can pay the remaining years tuition or living expenses and related materials. Recipients of other scholarships, partly covering training-related costs are also becoming the winners of "Global education".

If You took the foreign University, then You most likely already have all the chances to get sponsorship from "Global education". As when applying for most educational or scientific programs, the selection of candidates plays a big role, Your involvement in your chosen profession which can be confirmed by experience or publications in journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science. In addition, the scholars of "Global education" have experience of participation in various conferences and extra-curricular activities, volunteer projects, winning competitions.

On Your chances of time to obtain the sponsorship of a large impact it can have such a simple thing as the place in the electronic queue. Therefore, it is recommended to register on the site as early as possible, even if the documents on the application is still not ready.

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