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Major levels and degrees of higher education in the United States
Major levels and degrees of higher education in the United States
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Major levels and degrees of higher education in the United States

In addition to traditional undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate study and their corresponding degrees of the American universities offer a significant number of combined programs at the end of which you can get several degrees and diplomas.

Combined programs are perhaps one of the most striking differences between American higher education from the educational systems of other countries.

Traditional levels of education offered by US universities:

  • Assoсciate Degree;
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Master's degree;
  • Postgraduate.

Degree education in US universities:

  • Assoсciate Degree - professional qualification is comparable with the qualification of graduate of a Russian school. Can be independent or be counted as part of the bachelor program.
  • Bachelor of arts BA and bachelor of science BS - examples degree U.S. bachelor's degree here.
  • Master of arts MA / AM and the master of science MS / SM - see examples of degrees American graduate here.
  • Doctor of science - PhD.

Also , the US universities can award degrees, indicating the subject area: at the end of bachelor, master or post-graduate education in pedagogical school graduates will receive a professional degree BEd / MEd/ DEd and so on. Professional degrees there are less than subject areas, but still quite a lot.

In addition to the traditional programs of the United States there are several types of combined programs, which are sometimes mistakenly considered to be a specific type of degree:

  • Joint degrees, the JD - training in two universities in one programme.
  • Double/ dual degrees - getting two diplomas in one program.

Degree graduates of combined programs - traditional, but they are assigned to two, in certain combinations depending on the program. Read more about this in the article “Programme of US universities for the most motivated”.

The main purpose of combined programs is to raise specialists who are ready to work in different countries, to develop international cooperation of universities to help students reduce financial costs and time spent on training.

What program and degree to give up the preference? The solution depends on the reputation of the University and the quality of its programs as well as career plans and personal interests of the student.

Everything important to know about higher education in the United States