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Instruction: how to calculate the price of education is through the online calculator on the websites of American universities
Instruction: how to calculate the price of education is through the online calculator on the websites of American universities
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Instruction: how to calculate the price of education is through the online calculator on the websites of American universities

Let's consider how to calculate the cost of the program through the online calculator on the example of the University of Houston.

University of Houston-1.JPG

Step 1. Indicate student status: Out-of-State (living outside of the state where the institution is located).

Step 2. Specify the specialty - choose from the dropdown list. In this example - Natural Science & Mathematics.

Step 3. Specify the program-level - Career Level: undergraduate (bachelor) or graduate (master's degree). In our example, the specified undergraduate bachelor's degree.

Step 4. Specify the number of credit hours you plan to take within one semester. On average, receiving the bachelor's degree requires 15 credit hours per semester or trimester for the master - 6 or 9. Choose the appropriate number in the drop-down list. Read more about how organized the academic year in the United States, see here. How to know the cost of training on the websites of American universities, as well as calculation methods of prices here.

The results of calculation of the cost of education online calculator

We got a table showing the major costs and the approximate total cost of training. The total cost for the semester is indicated by the heading “Estimated cost per semester “ in the line “Total” - $13’091.

In the intermediate row shows the major expenditures which the University must include in the cost: tuition and basic student fees and other mandatory fees service, for the use of University infrastructure for health, sport and fitness. As you can see, living in a total amount not included.

In the bottom two rows under the heading “You might qualify for a fixed tuition rate” provided that the University provides several options for the cost is fixed for the duration of learning or growing.

Every year the cost of education in all universities in the United States rises, and some students prefer to spread the payment over 4-years of education - even paying for the first year a bit more expensive.

Examples of program costs in U.S. universities see here the list of cheap universities in the United States is presented here.

If you calculate the price turned out to be difficult to contact our consultants by phone or through the inquiry form on the website.