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SAT test for admission to bachelor in USA and Canada
SAT test for admission to bachelor in USA and Canada
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SAT test for admission to bachelor in USA and Canada

For admission to most higher education institutions in the USA and Canada for undergraduate degree programs the applicant must submit to the chosen universities standardized tests – SAT or ACT. These tests, along with a transcript - a statement about the studied school subjects with grades on them - are one of the main criteria by which the members of the selection Committee to evaluate how students from America and foreigners. Test results are also taken into account in the allocation of scholarships to study in USA.

General information about the SAT

There are several varieties of the SAT test: General and objects. All of them are written in the format of multiple-choice answers are put in specialized centers, are paid.

General test - the SAT Reasoning Test

Common test is called the SAT Reasoning Test, or SAT I. the Test identifies the ability to think consistently and logically, to assimilate the received information and determines the level of analytical skills. Lasts 3 hours and 45 minutes and consists of 3 sections:

Critical Reading - reading and comprehension

Includes 3 parts, 25- 25 - 20 minutes; the total number of jobs - 67.

Writing - letter

Includes 2 parts: 35 minutes and 25 minutes; the total number of jobs - 49.

Math - mathematics

Includes 3 pieces, 25 -25 - 20 minutes; the total number of jobs - 54.


For each of the three sections of the SAT Reasoning test are awarded a score from 200 to 800. The final result of the test varies from 600 to 2400 points.

SAT subjects - SAT Subjects

The SAT Subjects tests, or SAT II identify the applicant's knowledge in specific subjects. There are 20 SAT Subjects tests, grouped in the following subject areas:

  • English: includes a letter and literature;
  • history: US history, world history;
  • natural Sciences: biology, ecology, molecular biology, physics, chemistry;
  • foreign languages - read-only: German, French, Hebrew, Italian, Latin, Spanish.
  • Foreign languages - reading + listening: Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, German, French.

Each of the SAT Subjects test contains 50-80 tasks, lasts 1 hour, and it awarded the points from 200 to 800.

What are the SAT tests required for admission

As a rule, prestigious colleges and universities in the U.S. require or recommend in addition to the basic SAT Reasoning test, pass an additional 2-3 SAT test Subjects. In most cases, the entrant decides what subjects it will be to take the SAT Subjects tests. It is recommended to take tests in the subjects the applicant is most interesting or which had maximum grades in school.

How to pass the SAT tests

To pass the SAT tests you need to register and apply for the website College Board. Write and test is possible only in a certain date – usually 6 times a year. In Russia and the CIS there are many international centers program SAT, where the testing. Choosing a convenient exam centre while filling the application.

On the day of the exam can be taken between 1 and 3 SAT Subjects tests. Note that not all 20 SAT Subjects tests can be proposed for passage in one day.

It is important to know that the results of tests SAT online will be available only after 17-20 days, and in print - approximately 6 weeks. Also the University, which will be sent the test results may take up to 1 week for processing.So you need to schedule the testing so that you can finish in time to apply to a US University you have chosen.

Calendar of admission to US universities , see here.

The cost of the SAT tests

  • SAT Reasoning: $54,50 registration + $38 international rate for foreign students = $92.50
  • SAT Subjects tests:
    - First basic test: $26 registration plus $38 international rate for foreign students = $64
    - The subsequent tests: $18 per test (language test with listening - $26).

Many foreign students prefer to enroll in undergraduate degree programs through preparatory Pathway program that would not require taking the SAT and ACT. For example, at the State University of Oregon offers a program Pathways in areas such as business, engineering, computer science.

In addition to the SAT, many American universities accept the ACT. About ACT test for admission to undergraduate degree programs in the U.S. read here.

If you need assistance in choosing the test centre and booking a date and time of the test, ask our consultants via the page Contacts - it's free!