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Principal undergraduate programs in England

Undergraduate degree programs exist at universities and colleges of higher education. In addition, about 10% of all programmes at bachelor level are taught in colleges of further education.

The most popular award of the degree of bachelor degree — BA and BSc

The most popular degree awarded is the bachelor of arts (Bachelor of Arts, BA) and bachelor of science (Bachelor of Science, BSc).

BA degree generally awarded in areas not related to natural and exact Sciences, e.g., arts, Humanities and social Sciences, linguistics. The emphasis in teaching on these programmes is on the acquisition of theoretical and General knowledge in a chosen research discipline or professional area.

Degree BSc is more focused on the natural Sciences and are awarded in such disciplines as engineering, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, etc. of the BSc Program includes enough serious scientific, mathematical, computer and technical training, and the development of practical skills in your chosen field.

Features degrees of BA and BSc

Depending on the focus of training, across several disciplines – for example, business/management, Economics or psychology – can be assigned as degree BA and BSc. If training focused more on the scientific, research or academic career, if the program includes strong modules in mathematics, statistics, computer, precise, and natural science and any of technical disciplines, likely awarding the degree of BSc. If the program is more of a humanitarian and educational modules or emphasis on a practical application of the received knowledge, the graduates are more likely to be rated BA.

Degree BA and BSc also vary according to the level of the final grade and can take the form BA (Hons) and BSc (Hons) ie, bachelor's degree with honors. Read more about this in the article about the evaluation system and the degrees of differences between British undergraduate.

In some subject areas awarded the bachelor's degree are its name. Among the most popular professional degrees include: bachelor of engineering (BEng), bachelor of education (BEd), bachelor of medicine (BM), bachelor of laws (LLB), bachelor of dentistry (BDs), bachelor of nursing (BN), etc.

Table with interpretation of degree British bachelor

Also in the UK a number of universities offer 4-year master's programme in applied fields belonging to the first level of higher education – the so-called "integrated programs" – Integrated Master's leading to such degrees as MA, MMath, MPharm, MEng, MChem, MPhys etc. read More about them here.

It is important to note that the above principle is not a strict rule, and we suggest you carefully study the curriculum of courses before making a decision about choosing a training program.

The following article "admission requirements and intermediate degree">>

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