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Basic forms of bachelor in UK

Undergraduate programs in most British universities are currently organized according to a modular system. This means that students can independently build their own curriculum by choosing modules or courses from different areas and disciplines.

When choosing full-time form of study, standard duration of bachelor programmes – 3 years (in Scotland – 4 years). However, depending on the chosen discipline, the program duration may be more: for example, undergraduate programs in medical specialties usually last 5 to 6 years.

Some professionally-oriented programs – called Sandwich courses – also includes a special year (usually the third), the outlet for the internship at the enterprise. The goal is to integrate students into the real professional situation and the opportunity, at the same time, gain valuable work experience, which gives an advantage in the labour market after completion of the program. By agreement with the employer, such practice can be fully paid. The duration of the Sandwich programme, usually 4 years.

The choice of distance or evening form of training also prolongs the duration of undergraduate programs. It should be noted that such training in such programs is the difficulty for Russian students because of the impossibility of obtaining British student visa for programs of this type.


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