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Review of programme the BA Film Production at the Arts University Bournemouth (AUB)
Review of programme the BA Film Production at the Arts University Bournemouth (AUB)
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Review of programme the BA Film Production at the Arts University Bournemouth (AUB)

My name is Anna. I am a second year student BA (Hons) Film Production, studying documentary cameraman at Bournemouth University of the Arts - Arts University Bournemouth (AUB).

Why I chose this University?

Even before I definitely decided for myself that I want to learn camera skills and learn more what is "documentary film"? Confused the only thing I was doing only photography, about the movie, I knew practically nothing. So initially was looking for universities where there is also a preparatory course (foundation) in which students are given the opportunity to try a bit of everything (photography, art, cinema, etc.) and decide where to go next year that is definitely not to be mistaken with a choice.

AUB offers a very good prep program. This was one of the reasons I came to AUB. (In many universities foundation just don't teach).

The second main reason is the rate of documentary films. Many universities in England can you find a course where study movies, but in most cases this will be an art movie. Because, after all, the difference between documentary and feature films there, and I was interested in the documentary, I decided that AUB is just what I need. Plus, in the second year students have the opportunity to study two or three specializations simultaneously if they want. So now I'm studying documentary film and camera skills in the art of cinema as wanted.

The University also has many other interesting and creative courses such as animation, photography, acting, makeup for film and television, costume design etc etc. Very convenient in the sense that everything is on campus, next to each other, and if someone, for example, our course suddenly need to find a makeup artist for a film or actor is not far to seek in the truest sense of the expression.

By itself, the Bournemouth seafront, a small College town, but there are many places to go. For learning, I think beautiful place. At the center of many restaurants, cafes, bars, shops, etc., but you can also find a place of solitude.

>> Read more about Arts University Bournemouth (AUB)

>> Learn more about the program BA Film Production

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