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The representative of the Russian-speaking students Julia about studying at the University of East Anglia
The representative of the Russian-speaking students Julia about studying at the University of East Anglia
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The representative of the Russian-speaking students Julia about studying at the University of East Anglia

Hello, Julia! Please, tell us a little about yourself. Why did you decide to get higher education in the UK? Why stopped the choice on the University of East Anglia?

I'm in school studying English as a foreign language, so when the time came to choose a University abroad, I have only considered English-speaking countries. Choosing between England and, for example, America, the choice fell on England due to the fact that until England get much faster and more convenient, only a couple of hours on the plane. And undoubtedly, English education is of high quality and many top universities are located in this country.

When only came to the UK, I was 17 years old, so I first finished the Foundation programme for international students at University of East Anglia. I fell in love with the University and decided to stay here in the undergraduate program and later for graduate school. The University also gave me a partial scholarship, which is not unimportant.

What program are you studying and what are your impressions? Is it difficult to learn? What are the most favorite items?

This year I'm studying MSc Marketing and Management. I like my course, it combines theoretical knowledge and practice. One of my favorite modules is called Integrated Marketing Communications. I find it very useful and it also partly overlaps with what I taught on the bachelor, my course is called Society, Culture and Media.

I decided not to change the University because the business school at UEA is considered to be very strong and I found the course interesting to me. He even partly overlaps with what I've learned before, only from a different perspective, which I find very entertaining. I hope that this will continue.

Tell us a little about your life in Norwich. Do you like the city? Get to travel around the country?

I'm from Saint-Petersburg and compared to him, Norwich is a small town. This makes it very cozy. There are many old cathedrals and lovely English houses. Many interesting places of entertainment for students. In addition to traveling around the country, I also try to travel to different European countries. It is very convenient to do while studying in England, the only problem is the visa.

This year you became the representative of Russian-speaking students at the University of East Anglia. What are your objectives? What questions do you often ask?

My main task is to answer the questions of students from Russia. The issues are different. Basically asking about the application process, what documents are needed, what scholarships are, how does the process of enrollment. Sometimes asking about Norwich, about University life and hostel.

These questions come not only from those who are considering UEA as a prospective University, but also from those who are already studying here. We also try to inform students about various events happening both on campus and in the city.

Do you have any plans after finishing your master's?

The exact plans yet, you first need to determine the direction in which I want to move. I think that after the end of the second semester all will become clearer, I will better understand what interests me more, and what less.

Share, please, the most striking impression during the years of study at UEA :-)

It is difficult to choose one. I would say that all of life at the University is a solid vivid impression in a few years. I met a lot of interesting people from different parts of the world, they introduced me to their culture, customs. This is something that will not be forgotten, pleasant and warm memories.

Thank you very much for the interview! What advice would you give for our readers?

In my opinion, UEA is a great choice! Huge campus, where you can find absolutely everything from laundries to the University club, many sports clubs and communities of interest, here everyone can find what he likes. All the people here are very friendly and always willing to help.

Education abroad is definitely an invaluable experience! I would say that the UK is one of the most international countries. Studying in England is a quality education and a fun pastime. Most importantly, not afraid of change and moving forward!

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