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A student from Russia about the bachelor degree at the University of East Anglia
A student from Russia about the bachelor degree at the University of East Anglia
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A student from Russia about the bachelor degree at the University of East Anglia

Oksana, a student of bachelor programs Actuarial Science, was appointed as Student Ambassador of the Russian community of the University UEA. In an interview with Education Index Oksana spoke about her experience of admission and training at the University of East Anglia, living in the UK and program.

EI: hi! Tell us a little about yourself. How is it that you were in England?

Hi! I am 19 years old. I was born in the Urals city of Snezhinsk in Chelyabinsk Region. Decided to continue education in England, because after eight years of study in America I wanted to study in an English-speaking country.

EI: In what year were you enrolled at the University of East Anglia? Was it your first choice University or have you served somewhere else? Why University of East Anglia? What attracted you to this University?

During the winter break of the graduating class in Saint - Petersburg in the subway I heard about passing the annual UK Fair. I met representatives of many universities in the UK and then decided to visit educational institutions. The University of East Anglia immediately made me a vivid impression: the size of the campus and the friendliness of people working there left warm memories in my mind. So I immediately decided other universities to visit and focus all my efforts on the study of the requirements for entering this University. In 2015, I was enrolled in the best University - UEA :-)

EI: How did you enter University? Tell us about your experience.

As an international student, I graduated from Foundation in Science at UEA. Having excellent grades, I was accepted to the University.

EI: if you are Faced with any difficulties when entering University as a foreign student? If so, tell us about it in more detail.

Special complexities were not. You just need to carefully examine what is required of you for admission and not be afraid to ask all the questions. For example, Ambassador, which can redirect your email knowledgeable expert and get a qualified answer.

EI: does the University of East Anglia scholarships for foreign students? Do you know of students that have received scholarships?

Scholarships are available for all students, the procedure for applying can be found on the University website. Many do not apply for scholarships for fear that they will not get. But think so wrong. It is better to give and not receive, knowing that you tried than not to try at all. I applied for a scholarship at INTO UEA and was very glad to have it.

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EI: what program did you study? What are your impressions of the program? If you have a favorite subject, teacher?

I'm studying for the Actuarial Science program. So far, only finished the first course, so it's hard to tell about specific experiences. I like that the program is extensive and covers different materials. My favorite teacher read actuarial mathematics. This is truly a wise teacher who understands that "the mind of the student is not a vessel to be filled but a torch to be lit". It teaches not only facts, but also the technology of practical application.

EI: Who is learning with you in your program? A lot of foreigners, Russian-speaking students? Were you able to have close friends, and who they are – Russian-speaking foreigners, the British? With whom it is easier to find a common language?

To me there are students of very different nationalities. The group is small, but of representatives of different cultures a lot. I have many friends, but the ones you can count with the fingers on one hand. This and the British and internationals, both from Fiji (not Russian-speaking) also from Latvia (Russian-speaking). Understanding is usually easy to find with foreigners, they understand what it's like to move to a new country. But with the British too easy to find a common language with the same interests. Friendship often appearing in language group - Russian as well as Chinese, Arabs, etc. I believe that if you came to England from Russia, it is necessary to study and practice English, not forgetting their roots and their culture. Secluded in a group by nationality and language, you limit the possibility of expanding their abilities.

EI: What did you do in your free time at University? Did you in any student clubs? Tell us a little about it.

In my spare time, I volunteer at INTO UEA, helping to settle new students. In the beginning of the year I joined the International Students Society (ISS) (all internationals), my circle of friends has expanded. They are constantly doing something, so they do not get bored. There are Russian Society, but it is an informal organization. I believe that ISS is better for the memories. Student clubs at the University a lot of different directions-sports and humanitarian. If you do not find the club of interest can form with your friends new.

EI: Tell us a little bit about the city. What are the pros and cons you see for yourself? Easy to find housing, jobs, convenient transportation, and rich if night life ?

Norwich-the city is small and calm. So I really like it. To London can be reached by bus or train for two or three hours. From the campus the city is a 20-minute bus ride or hour walk. The buses run every 10 minutes Night life is not as diverse as in big cities, but even the on-campus bar and club.

EI: Tell us where you are working, in what capacity? Do you think your education at the University of East Anglia helped you obtain this job?

I work while studying Finance assistant at Union of UEA Students majoring in that study.

EI: Thank you so much for this interview! What would you like/wanted to say in closing to our readers?

Study abroad at leading Universities gives a lot of opportunities for your future, as it allows you to find a job in your chosen profession in any country of the world. Grace Hopper said: "the Ship is safer in the port, but it is not for this built". I wish You good luck when applying!

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