Read more about master's courses in England
British universities offer master's programs of postgraduate level, depending on its type, allow:
- To deepen the specialization and knowledge obtained at undergraduate and professional activities (Applied Master's);
- Broaden the skills, studying related disciplines (Interdisciplinary Master's);
- To change specialty (Conversion Master's).
Among master's degree programs at British universities can highlight the program related to the first higher education (Undergraduate level) and postgraduate level (Postgraduate), which are also often referred to as the program of the second higher education. Graduate programs can be divided into:
- The curriculum (Taught programmes),
- Programs focused on research activities (Research programmes),
- Educational research program (Research-Taught),
- Professionally oriented programmes (Professional/Practice programmes).
Among the master programs of postgraduate level it is possible to meet curriculum and program, which is a combination of teaching and independent research activities are programs of educational-research and professionally oriented programs with a predominance of practical education. Research programme in pure form exist only at the level of PhD.
The presence of such a large variety of master's programs zaklyuchaetsya one of the main differences between the British system of education from the Russian, and its advantage. As Russia's two-tier system of higher education – bachelor degree + master's degree was introduced in 2002, often only the largest Russian universities can offer students large selection of quality master's programs.
Despite the fact that from a formal point of view, the master's degree level in the UK is equivalent to the Russian master, most of the Russian master's programs more in the line of academic (Taught) programmes of British universities.