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Business education abroad
Business education abroad
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Business education abroad

For many years business education enjoys a high demand. The secret of his demand is simple – the business school improve the professional level of its graduates.

According to a sociological study conducted by experts of the organization of GMAC, most of the graduates confirmed that business education has had a significant impact on personal development and improving career skills that positively affected the level of financial well-being.

MBA education develops a new conceptual perspective on yourself and your abilities and skills needed for a career. So, more than 70% of graduates MBA noticed that their promotion is greatly accelerated.

Why to study on these programs profitable?

First, business schools abroad give our graduates the opportunity to find employment around the world, to work truly effectively and to meet new people.

Secondly, education in schools MBA is characterized by constant interaction with fellow students, famous speakers, successful businessmen and even media stars (e.g., Angelina Jolie in 2017, will lecture at the London school of Economics and political science (LSE); Oprah Winfrey lectured at the Kellogg School of management).

Building communication in an informal setting allows to get useful contacts that can be a key factor for success in the future.

Thirdly, by using the business education, people are trained to effectively manage groups of people – the Prime of his leadership qualities noted by the majority of graduate business schools.

Noted that graduates are fully recoup their investment in education is approximately 4 years later.

The results of any language tests are accepted worldwide, and what opportunities are certificates?

There are several tests that are proof of language skills in most countries of the world, and is also required to obtain a business education abroad. What kind of tests?

  • The first test abbreviated as TOEFL

Developed in the United States, it is widely distributed: its results are accepted in more than 130 countries (over 8 000 institutions). TOEFL certificate is necessary undertaking internships in international corporations (in Russia and abroad).

The certificate of successful completion of TOEFL is a prerequisite for admission to educational institutions where teaching is conducted in English. TOEFL required for obtaining bachelor's, master's, MBA and EMBA education.

  • IELTS test also assesses knowledge of the English language

This rating system was developed in the UK, also accepted all over the world: Europe, USA, Australia, South Africa and Central Asia (7 000 schools).

  • GMAT is another standardized test

GMAT – computer adaptive test in the English language, which allows receiving commissions from the leading programs in the field of business, Economics and Finance (MBA, EMBA, Mcs, PhD) to assess the level of English language skills, logical thinking and analytical skills of candidates.

Often admission committees of MBA programs, EMBA, MSc, PhD pay attention to the results of this test.

  • GRE - one of the "milestones" on the way of admission to postgraduate programmes MSc and PhD, as well as in many business schools for MBA and EMBA.
  • SAT, and ACT assesses the level of knowledge of graduates of secondary school are used for admission to colleges and universities. By the way, these tests gave up highly successful people (Barack Obama, George Bush, al Gore, etc.).

If you pay attention to education of famous people, you can see that the successful delivery of international tests helped them study in the best universities in the world. For example, celebrities such as Ben Bernanke and bill gates went to Harvard, receiving the highest scores on tests.

How difficult is it to pass the standardized tests?

To get good results, you should be well prepared. You need to understand that these tests cover different areas and disciplines; all this we must learn to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and focus on that, so far, is difficult.

It is very important to focus on the training and the ability not to waste energy. Need to correctly allocate your time, use every minute effectively. Setting a schedule, it need to adhere to (at least 3-6 months).

The article is prepared by specialists of MBA Consult, July 2016.

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