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Alex about his career, the master degree in Oxford Brookes University and the experiments at the University of Oxford
Alex about his career, the master degree in Oxford Brookes University and the experiments at the University of Oxford
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Alex about his career, the master degree in Oxford Brookes University and the experiments at the University of Oxford

EI: Hello, Alex! Tell us a little about yourself. What year you went to the UK and why you chose this country?

I went to study in 2012. The major advantages of this English-speaking environment that helped bring my English to a new level, the level of teachers, infrastructure, and just people around.

EI: how did you hear about Oxford Brookes University? Why have you chosen this University?

"I had a very specialized inquiry – an interdisciplinary master's program that would allow me to with the economic background in the future to go to work in the area of biotechnology. Such programmes around the world I found three, the program at Oxford Brookes University I liked most was the fact that, first, it was in Oxford, one of the largest UK hubs for biotechnology and, second, lasted only a year.

EI: what program did you study? What are your impressions of the program?

My program is called MSc in Biotechnology with Business. The impression is positive, lectures not many, but they all essentially have to do yourself, allowing you to better understand the subject. Was very useful for my course in molecular biology with work in the laboratory. Also helped me to find a paid internship in the company of the industry in which I wanted to go.

>> To watch all the programs of Oxford Brookes University

EI: What did you do in your free time at University?

I was in several society – Biological society, Oxbridge Biotech Roundtable. Played sports, rock climbing, and every day went to Oxford on a bike that has good support form. In General, the possibilities are many – almost every any significant ethnic communities has its own society – that is, if you are interested in Korean language or Korean culture, you are entering into the Korean community and communicate there with the Koreans or the same investigators. Of course, there are Russian society, but I was not there – my goal was to protect themselves from the Russian language. There is also society for many subject areas, sports, debate, electronic music and many others.

At some moment I using the the University found myself an internship and free time to devote to it (on a student visa can work up to 20 hours per week during term time).

Several times I volunteer participated in the experiments of the faculty of experimental psychology, Oxford University, and a half hours lying inside an MRI scanner while playing the game, solved problems with experimental transcranial magnetic stimulator, it was also quite interesting.

And of course, I traveled a little in England – traveled to Oxfordshire, London and once reached the Pinnacle.

EI: please Tell us a little about life in Oxford. Did you like the city?

The city certainly liked it, but life there is expensive (even in those days when the pound was 50 rubles). The town is small but everything you need for living there, and London an hour away by train or one and a half or two on the bus. Ancient trees, the old center, quiet suburbs with fresh air - in Moscow, I kind of miss it.

EI: How has your life been after graduation? You stayed in the UK or returned home? What do you do now?

I went to work in the biomedical Cluster of the SKOLKOVO Foundation, rich worked there for two and a half years, then left the development Director at startup Insilico Medicine, advised several startups, and now I'm CEO of Cryno Biotech, we are a biomedical startup early stage, develop a cure for diabetic neuropathy.

EI: Alex, thank you very much for the interview! What would you like to say in closing to our readers?

I would like to wish you all good luck and fulfillment of dreams, whatever it was. If you have any more questions just ask, I will gladly answer!

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