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Postgraduate study in the UK


The complete guide to postgraduate scholarships for Russians

The complete guide to postgraduate scholarships for Russians

Guide to scholarships for masters and PhD students


Detailed guide: graduate school (PhD) in the UK

Detailed guide: graduate school (PhD) in the UK

Postgraduate programmes in the UK vary widely, and can be obtained through: • Traditional research programmes (PhD, DPhil), • A program t...


Preparation and defense of a thesis

Preparation and defense of a thesis

Programs and departments set their own requirements for the scope of the dissertation project in the Humanities and social Sciences, typica...


The term of study for doctoral programs

The term of study for doctoral programs

Table of standard time PhD programs depending on the form of training and the type of the selected program.


Degree of PhD be awarded based on the results of professional activities

Degree of PhD be awarded based on the results of professional activities

The award of the degree of PhD as a result of outstanding practical activities (PhD by Practice) is common in the field of decorative art. ...


Professionally-oriented graduate programs UK

Professionally-oriented graduate programs UK

Professionally-oriented doctoral programs post-graduate British accented not so much the development of skills for research work as to prof...


Teaching and research programs

Teaching and research programs

To the teaching and research programmes to doctoral level in British universities include the New Route PhD is an integrated programme of p...


Research program

Research program

The purpose of these programs is to conduct fundamental research in the chosen area, performance of original and of scientific value of the...


That gives students the doctoral program?

That gives students the doctoral program?

To broaden and deepen the specialization and knowledge to conduct interdisciplinary research, to gain knowledge and skills in new subject a...


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