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Teaching and research programs

Purpose and organization

To educational research (Taught-Research) programs the doctoral level in British universities include the New Route PhD is an integrated programme of postgraduate training which combines research activities with training programme.

Successful graduates of such programs are independent researchers with professional, personal and portable (transferable) skills, able to make a significant contribution to the development of the selected area.

The advantages of the New Route PhD programme are:

  • Research program, individually tailored for each student;
  • Target training for the effective development of research skills;
  • The development of generic skills, including leadership and entrepreneurial spirit;
  • High chance of completing the program in a timely manner;
  • A graduate is able to act as an independent researcher.

Implement your own research project takes place in close interaction with the supervisor. The training module includes major courses, courses aimed at developing educational and research skills, as well as interdisciplinary courses aimed at developing professional skills.

The New Route PhD also allow the student to:

  • Take place during the training necessary for a career practice – that is, in fact, to work in the specialty during the study (e.g., teach);
  • Carry out some research in their country, in the database feature properly University - the option is called “joint supervision/ registration”, “split PhD” or “part time PhD” and is offered by many universities. This training is coordinated individually through the approval of the University for research candidates "local" supervisor and the curriculum.

New Route PhD is treated as a so-called integrated doctoral programme (Integrated PhD). The idea is that initially students enter the master's program of teaching and research (e.g., MRes or MPhil), and subject to the successful completion of the first year (or two years) makes a decision on the continuation of studies and transferred to the PhD program. This form allows you to shorten the period of study on a doctoral programme.

Teaching methods

The New Route PhD: approximately 30-40% of teaching time is given to subjects directly related to the subject of the study, the subjects of related areas, teaching skills and adaptation of technologies from other fields, the development of portable skills. The rest of the time devoted to the inculcation of research skills, set a specific research objective and the development of professional skills.

Rating system

Intermediate grades are in the training modules, the results of practice and the examinations. In the final evaluation, the dissertation usually has slightly more weight than the training modules.

Assigned degree

Currently, the New Route PhD programme there are 34 British universities and a wide range of areas such as linguistics, biology, computer science, social skills, Economics, political science, education, engineering, Humanities, mathematics, physics, agriculture, medicine, law, etc.

Typical conferred degrees are the PhD (Integrated PhD) or NRPhD (New Route PhD).

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