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  • 1996

Postgraduate studies (PhD) in Europe: UK

Being the first stage postgraduate education, postgraduate studies in Europe, in fact, equivalent to the Russian postgraduate programs; for admission, you must have a master's degree.

However, in terms of requirements and quality research, postgraduate study in the UK tends to be Russian doctoral studies. This feature allowed the Russian students get the highest research degree that is globally recognized, having studied at one (and not two, as in Russia) postgraduate programmes.

The importance of high academic postgraduate programs determine their large selection: currently in the UK there are more than 5000 different PhD programs, including the graduate school in England has more than 4,000 programs, and a wide variety: traditional research programmes (PhD, DPhil), a program that combines research activities with training and practice (New Route PhD), professionally oriented programs (DBA, DEng, DEd), etc.

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