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Can a foreign student to remain in Scotland to work?

Until 2012, students who graduated from College in the UK, could remain in the country for two years without a job. Now the applications for this visa category is closed, including the special Scottish scheme "Fresh talents" (Fresh Talent). However, for foreign graduates of British universities there are options to stay in the UK to work. About the rules of obtaining a student and work visa in UKtaken in 2012-th year.

A student visa usually gives you the opportunity to stay for 3-4 months after graduation. This time can be enough to find a company willing to hire you and sponsor the visa. In this case you will get a standard work permit to Tier 2.

In addition, there is a Tier 1, allowing you to be more flexible, without reference to a particular place of work. Examples of the types of Tier 1 for special categories of citizens: young entrepreneurs and unique talents.

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