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21 reason why you will never want to part with the University of Dundee

21 reason why you'll never want to leave the University of Dundee.

Sea, sand, sun and stunning student team...What else do you want?

Reason 1. Because the building of the student center on the campus of the University with 3 bars, 2 clubs and 18 pool tables are recognized as the best in the country. Nothing to add.

2. the cause of Because you are addicted to Irn-Bru and surprised to find out that outside of Scotland for some reason people can't drink it. Never.

Reason 3. Because here the cheapest in town salad bar, where for £ 2 you can buy a whole box of healthy Goodies, and later on the money saved to indulge in a wonderful Burger joint!

Reason 4. Because the campus is located in the heart of the city. It is compact, convenient, secure and only a 10 minute walk to the best shops and bars. The return journey will take 20 minutes :).

Reason 5. Because you will learn such things as geopolitics, molecular genetics, mathematical biology and forensic anthropology. You'll shut up for the belt anyone who would argue that being a student means to fool around.

Reason 6. Because here the study of comics – a full training course! Agree, this gives a positive Outlook on life.

Reason 7. Because the campus has a 25 metre swimming pool.

Reason 8....and a sauna. It seems that together they are called a Spa?

Reason 9. Because you will love this little creature in the Zoological Museum.

The reason 10. ...maybe that guy at the faculty of medicine (although it's unlikely...).

The reason 11. Because some of the old lecture halls look so unusual that it is easy to imagine – you were at Hogwarts.

The reason 12. Because there are sporting activities – from surfing and long jumps to Gaelic football, that would be the last may mean...

The reason 13. Because the cost of living in Dundee is 15% cheaper than the average in the UK, this means that you can afford this charming cheese fries!

The reason 14. Because you will be able to build a piano out of bananas – as did the girl.

The reason 15. Because Dundee is the sunniest city in Scotland. It is a fact.

The reason 16. Because of the Bay of Lunan Bay, offering stunning views, is just an hour's drive away.

The reason 17. Because the library contains over a million books – so much knowledge!

The reason 18. Because students are given free advice on various issues. No matter what happens, you know – you definitely will help.

Reason 19. Because the University is a scientific center of the world level, where development of space technology. It's very cool!

The reason 20. Because it is located in the city centre Caird Hall is a popular place to go for Opera, ballet, Comedy, concert and much more. Yes, by the way, there will be organized a ceremony of granting diplomas upon graduation.

Reason 21. And finally, the main reason is the campus of the University was recognized as the most hospitable in the whole of Scotland. That is really saying something!

>> Detailed information about the University of Dundee

>> Program of the University of Dundee

Note: the Article is based on materials of the University of Dundee.

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