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How to enroll in the University immediately after high school in Russia (CIS)?

Some bachelor degree programs UK universities present a simplified admission requirements. For example, when applying for the programme BA Business Management University of Greenwich certificate A-levels can be replaced by the perfect (or almost perfect) Certificate of complete secondary education. If your application for the programme will convince the University, they will enroll you immediately after secondary school to the first year of 3 year bachelor's degree.

When applying for a specialty, the presence of an applied tri which is of great importance (art, engineering) the lack of two additional years of study on the programme A-levels may be filled by significant experience with a degree or a certificate on professional education in the appropriate subject area.

If You have additional qualifications, experience, gold medal and a high level of knowledge of the English language, You can try to do immediately after school on one of the less difficult-through programs British universities without having to obtain a certificate of International Foundation or A-levels.

>> How to apply for a first degree in an English University?

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