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Features of an Oxford education on a research master's MPhil

Oxford University offers more than 40 programs the research master MPhil. If you arrive in Oxford on the research master MPhil, critical will be your research project. It needs to be, on the one hand, related to your academic activity in the home University. On the other, it needs to be workable in terms of the Oxford libraries, archives and laboratories.

In the process of drafting of the research project it is essential to view a list of Oxford professors who might be interested in the topic of your future research. Find those, be sure to include them as potential supervisors (supervisors) of your project.

It is also worth trying to apply in advance to get in touch with the Oxford scientists to discuss the potential topic of your research. See also the catalogues of the Oxford libraries and archives. If you find them necessary for you sources on the basis of which you will write your master thesis, please notify the scientific project.

>> Full list of documents for admission to Oxford

<< Admission requirements to Oxford for a master's degree

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