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What to do in Cambridge at the masters - the main sections

Master's degree from Cambridge University – not just a ticket to the future, but memorable experience and a wonderful time. In this article we will talk about the peculiarities of admission to the educational programme of the Cambridge graduate.

A graduate of Cambridge can do, finished bachelor's University of any country, which greatly simplifies the procedure for the preparation of the application, and also puts Russian-speaking students in an equal competitive position with the British. In addition, almost all students, CIS students in the programs of post-graduate education, sponsored stypendialny funds, making Cambridge more accessible goal.

The profile of the student of Cambridge

Admission requirements to master's Cambridge

How to increase chances of admission to graduate school Cambridge

Exactly who will not be able to enroll in Cambridge a master's degree?

What is the competition for a place in the master's course in Cambridge?

List of documents for admission to master's Cambridge

The process of admission to the masters in Cambridge

The cost and duration of training in Cambridge for master's degree

Scholarships of the University of Cambridge for master's degree students from the CIS countries

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