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How is the quality of British education

By law, British institutions of higher education are responsible for compliance with academic standards and the quality of education, regardless of, whether degrees are awarded on their behalf in the UK or abroad. That is why not all UK institutions offering degree programs have the right to award official degrees.

According to the Agency for quality assurance in higher education (QAA) and the Ministry of business, innovation and skills (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills or BIS), 157 British universities are the official name of the "Recognized organizations" (Recognized Bodies) and can award a wide range of degrees. This right is guaranteed to them by law. Recognized organizations are all state universities and colleges part of the United Kingdom. All British universities are represented on the pages of the Catalogue of UK universities.

More than 600 UK institutions the so-called "Registered organizations" (Listed Bodies) also teach on programmes leading to the degree, but have no right to award them to. About 330 organizations and colleges are within the scope of the bachelor's degree, slightly more than 200 organizations and colleges – in the amount of various postgraduate degrees. Graduates of Registered organizations receive the degree of a Recognized organization with which their school has signed a partnership agreement.

The prevalence of British education in the world

About 400 foreign colleges, universities and other teaching organisations in tertiary education, worked for British programmes leading to obtaining a bachelor's or master's degree one of the "Recognized organizations".

According to preliminary data of the Statistical Agency for higher education (HESA) in 2009 academic year in British programmes leading to the degree of one of the Recognized organizations abroad enrollment of about 388 thousand students.

Countries with the largest concentration of partners the British "Recognized organizations" are: Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Greece. British education in Russia: according to the QAA, there are 11 to 15 educational institutions – partners of Recognized organizations.

Prepared according to the QAA, BIS (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills), HESA

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