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How to do masters in Canada

Canada is one of the most welcoming countries towards foreign students. Canadian universities hold firm at the top of the world rankings without compromising the quality of education provided to its southern neighbor. While the cost of education in this country at least two times lower than in the US.

The choice of graduate programs at universities in Canada

As in many other countries, in Canada, master's programs are educational (Taught programmes) and research (Research programmes). Educational programs are evaluated according to the results of the training courses and research involve the writing of a dissertation. You can often find a program that combines both areas.
There is hardly an occupation which in Canada is not the magistracy of one type or another. In addition to the standard MSc and MA degrees (masters natural Sciences and Humanities) here you can get MBA (master's degree in business administration), and other special degrees.

Master's education may be aimed at deepening the knowledge of the already developed specialty and the acquisition of knowledge in the new discipline. Many programs are interdisciplinary and accept applicants from both natural and humanitarian spheres. Often courses include a significant practical component: students visit businesses and are trained in the specialty. Research master's programme according to the depth of immersion in the academic environment more similar to the Russian postgraduate studies.

The length of the program depends on the University, discipline, program type, and whether the student enrolls full - (full-time) or partial (part-time) employment. Typically, programs last from one to two years and may include a separate semester for internships or writing research.

Admission requirements to master's in Canada

In Canada there is no single Federal authority responsible for admission requirements, so that each province and every University have their own rules of admission.

However, it is possible to allocate a set of standard requirementsapplicable to applicants almost all universities:

1. First degreetaken at any accredited University.

2. Subject knowledge. Canadian universities are almost never conduct entrance examinations and to assess subject knowledge use academic statement from the previous University and the results of standardized tests. The most common standardized tests are the GRE (which is both General and specific subject) and GMAT (which is usually required for MBA programs). However, for admission to certain professions, such as creative, You will have to submit a portfolio or pass the relevant test.

3. Knowledge of English or French depending on the province in which You are going to learn. To confirm also used standardized tests: TOEFL or IELTS for English and the DALF for French. The minimum requirements for the test results vary greatly depending on the prestige of the University.

4. Personal qualities. Many members of the selection Committee emphasize that despite the importance of academic success, personal qualities often play a key role in the admission decision. For the University it is important that applicant was motivated to get the maximum benefit from provided opportunities, but also to make it more useful for the University and is well blended into the community of people working there.
In some cases, may be made additional requirements. For example, for admission to most MBA programs need to be at least 21 years old and have experience in management positions.

The procedure and terms of submission of documents to the universities of Canada

The academic year in canadian universities starts either in September or in January. Bids usually ends in 7-9 months prior to the study. Usually the selection Committee review applications as they are received and immediately offer their favourite students. In addition, many universities have quotas for students from certain countries. So the sooner You apply, the more chances You have of "in time", and the less actual competition for a place.
In his schedule, You need to make three key dates: deadline for submission of documents to the universities, the deadline for scholarships and deadlines for the tests (TOEFL, DALF, GRE).
The profile of the applicant can be filled online at the University website or send to the University by registered mail. As a rule, to the application form the following documents:

  1. copy of diploma and academic report with estimated
  2. motivation letter in which You explain why are a suitable candidate for the program and talk about their professional and academic plans,
  3. letters of recommendation from teachers, employers and colleagues
  4. the results of standardized tests.

Responses from universities will begin to come about a month after filing. You can inform the final decision on the admission or refusal or notice of conditional admission (conditional offer). In the latter case, You will need to provide additional documents such as proof of solvency, or to retake the language test.