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Higher education in Switzerland

Eight Swiss universities are in the top 20 of the world ranking QS World University Rankings 2014/15. Four of them are also the leaders by the share of students of foreign students.

Higher education in Switzerland can be obtained as in universities and professional colleges. In addition, a separate group is to provide private universities of tourism and the business school. Hospitality is the main trademark of the educational market in Switzerland, because in this country it was born as a taught discipline. Management and Finance are also popular among local and foreign students. It should be mentioned that medical schools take only Swiss residents because of the high competition for these specialties.

The duration of the programmes of the universities of Switzerland

Students of Swiss universities offers the following educational programs: bachelor degree with a duration of 3.5 years, masters 1-2 years and graduate.

Education in Switzerland in English

English-language education in this country is more common at the master level, and undergraduate is dominated by German, Italian and French. A number of programs of the first higher still is taught in English, but mostly in private universities.

Admission to Swiss universities

To enroll in the state University of Switzerland is hard enough. First, the country has an age restriction: at least 18 years of age. Therefore, the Russian graduate from after school will not be able to enroll in the first year; have a few years of study in the national University or in the Swiss boarding school preparatory program. Secondly, all foreign applicants have to pass a single exam in the five subjects for which you will have to come to the Swiss city of Fribourg.

Another way of admission to state University through the College of professional education. This way is very popular among foreigners because of the relative ease of admission because the colleges are much cheaper than in the preparatory schools and private universities. Here you can go right after the Russian school and without entrance exams. Colleges assigned to graduates of the bachelor's degree but education can be interrupted at any time, receiving a certificate with which to go to University will be far easier.

In private universities, the situation is simpler: here you can do immediately after the Russian school, not passing the entrance exams. Some universities may ask You to provide a portfolio or interview, but this does not necessarily arrive in Switzerland. In addition, many private colleges and universities that focus on practical training, very loyal to the past academic achievements of candidates and offer preparatory language courses.

In Switzerland there is no centralized system of receipt of applications for admission, so the documents need to be sent to each institution separately in the term prescribed by them. As a rule, admissions work in the spring and the school year starts in the fall.

Costs and scholarships study Switzerland

In the public universities equally accessible for both local and foreign students: 1-2,5 thousand euros per year. The price for one year of education in private universities is 20 thousand euros and more. Switzerland is an expensive country; the expenses of students on accommodation, food and transport amount to 1,5-2,5 thousand euros per month. When applying, you should pay attention to are available for Russian students scholarships private foundations and universities. Several of the Swiss government scholarships are available for postgraduate students under 35 years old.

While studying foreign students can earn up to 15 hours a week and on vacation full time. After graduation you can extend your visa for half a year in search of work.

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