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Higher education in Iceland

Iceland is a small country, which has only seven universities, and only 5% of students are foreigners. Despite this, the number of programs offered in English is growing.

Education in Iceland in English

A special feature of the Icelandic universities is that they are more focused on teaching than on research. Of the seven universities English-language programs offer six: state Hólar University College, University of Akureyri, University of Iceland and private Reykjavik University Bifröst University Iceland Academy of the Arts. While at the undergraduate level there are only two programs: "Icelandic studies" and "international education" at the University of Iceland. A PhD in English can be obtained at the universities of Iceland and Reykjavik.

The duration of the programmes of the universities of Iceland

Programs Icelandic of the bachelor degree lasts 3-4 years, master – 2 years, postgraduate – depending on the requirements of a particular program. In addition to the standard degrees of the Bologna system in Iceland there is also an analogue of our specialist programme aimed at the development of the profession, which lasts 6 years.

Admission to the Icelandic universities

Icelanders usually learn in school to 20 years. This means that applicants from CIS countries need to spend 1-2 years in the national University before you apply for the program of the Icelandic bachelor's or specialist program. Each institution, however, imposes its own requirements and may make exceptions for candidates that can demonstrate the maturity and the necessary preparation in other ways. Entrance examinations are only selected faculties: medical or creative direction. For admission to the master's degree required bachelor's degree, and graduate school – master's diploma. Applications should be sent directly to the chosen University in the established time frame.

Cost and scholarships for studying in Iceland

At public universities in Iceland education is free, students only need to pay a registration fee of about 100-250 euros. As for private universities, the cost of a year of study will cost them for students with European citizenship in the 5.5-14.5 thousand euros, and the citizens of CIS countries – in 18-36 thousand euros. The cost associated with living will need approximately 900 euros per month. The universities of Iceland and Reykjavik offers several scholarships for foreign students. The Icelandic Ministry of education, science and culture are also ready to help those who are going to study Icelandic language and literature.

Student visa to Iceland

A student visa does not confer an automatic right to work. If You want to work during or after graduation, You will need a separate permit, confirming that at Your place there were no worthy candidates from Iceland or the EU. Given the high level of unemployment in the country, be prepared to find this work will not be easy. An unusual feature of the immigration legislation of Iceland is a requirement every semester to update student visa, confirming that You successfully cope with the training course.

Higher education in the Netherlands in English