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University of Essex included in the list of best universities according to the strategy of employment of graduates
University of Essex included in the list of best universities according to the strategy of employment of graduates
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University of Essex included in the list of best universities according to the strategy of employment of graduates

The attention that the administration of the University of Essex pays the future employment of students has not gone unnoticed — the University has taken a leading ranking in the best employment strategy "Best University Employability Strategy" from the "Target Jobs Awards 2018".

Achievements of the University in this area are really impressive: in recent years, the curriculum of each program employability skills, the University has implemented a program of individual academic support and developed several innovative schemes that enable students to gain additional skills and experience.

>> View all programs of the University of Essex

David Stansbery, head of employment, said: "In the University of Essex under the skills for employment we understand personal development of students, essential for their future career; we also teach them to make decisions and change the world for the better. Support students have real professionals who see every student in the first place, personality, and teach them to take control of your life."

Now career support at the University has not only administration. Every faculty got its own employment service, thus, students receive advice and information relevant to a particular industry.

The curricula of all undergraduate programs include a module on employability skills, as well as the possibility of study abroad or year-long internships (includes preparatory seminars in the University). Because of this, students have a memorable, valuable experience and versatile skills for employment.

A number of special programmes also allow students to improve their summary:

  • the program "Frontrunners" is implemented in partnership with Times Higher Education and offers students a paid job on campus, which is to help employees of the University.
  • in the framework of the program "Undergraduate Research Opportunities program" undergraduate students who assist researchers in writing scientific papers
  • the program "Big Essex Award" is based on the additional Hobbies and volunteer activity of students, helps to analyze the skills and beneficial to present them to employers.

David said: "the University offers students a number of amazing learning opportunities, including assistance in finding internships and the creation of start-UPS in the framework of the Big Essex Award. Participation in the program is counted for tuition and specified in the certificate.

For three years after graduation, alumni continue to receive individual career support to help them successfully realize themselves in the labour market".

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