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Birkbeck University: the opportunity to combine study and work in England

The founders of the University of Birkbeck, founded almost 200 years ago, from the first days has chosen as its mission to ensure working people in London access to quality higher education. In 1920, Birkbeck became part of the prestigious University of London, but remained true to its traditions and today he is the only British University that provides students the opportunity to study in the evening programme full time study (study with a full load). The students successfully combine a day job with training for any of the proposed University levels: first degree, master and postgraduate programs.

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Foreign students enrolled in the evening program full time, get a student visa Tier 4 and you can get a job in British the company provided that during the period of study, they do not work more than 20 hours per week (for programs without degree, e.g. Diploma in Law, can not work more than 10 hours per week). During the holidays, allowed a full schedule of work hours without restriction.

The ability to simultaneously study and work, besides the obvious material benefits, gives future graduates a unique chance to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the University, but most students find jobs in fields related to the profile of education. After graduation this person not only gets a diploma from a prestigious British University, but already has experience with a degree in English companies, which significantly increases the chances of finding interesting work with good compensation.

The University actively assists students in the job search – recently established its own HR consulting Agency Birkbeck Talent, which has partnered with leading UK employers interested in attracting talented young people to work part-time schedule. Another popular channel of employment among students are recommendations from fellow students who already have a job.

Many emerged from the walls of the University, noted that due to the large percentage of students working on a specialty in a prestigious and successful companies, at lectures and at seminars in Birkbeck always has a special artistic and creative atmosphere. There is no conventional monologue of the teacher is the audience, which along with young high school graduates are present and established professionals, always active and involved in the process of submitting material that elevates learning to a new level.

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