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5 reasons to choose has a placement program
5 reasons to choose has a placement program
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5 reasons to choose has a placement program

If you have already began searching for the perfect training program, you probably noticed that some courses offer the opportunity to spend a "Year in Industry" Placement or Professional training. What is it and why do it? The year in industry is a secondment for 12 months in the company directly associated with your specialty. Usually students spend "a Year in the workplace" for third year University.

>> To watch all the programs of foreign universities

However, in some universities, this program accounts for the fourth course or has other terms, for example, six months. Therefore, when choosing the program you should always pay attention to the possibility and parameters of practice. For example, the BSc Business Management in top-rated British University of Sussex usually starts at the end of the second year and ends at the beginning of the third year of study. The University has more than 2,300 partners in the UK and abroad, which gives students a wide choice of work.

Programs with internships have a number of advantages, including:

1. The application of knowledge in practice

Probably each of us sitting on a pair, at least once thought, "I can use this is all real or not?" Internships in the workplace allow students to work on real projects and latest developments.

2. Spectacular summary

Leave your competitors behind, having gained experience during training. Information about working in the industry and the practical skills to attract the attention of employers and favorably distinguish the above summary among the other candidates.

3. Additional earnings

Most businesses pays for the interns. Therefore, the "Year in industry" is also a great opportunity to earn extra money while studying. The average salary of a trainee is around 14,000£.

4. Useful contacts

Through the internship you will meet new people from other universities who share your interests.

5. Work contract

At the end of the internship the company can offer you to work for them when you get a diploma. Then you don't even have to spend the last year of high school in search of work. Thus, even if a firm will not offer employment, meeting new people in the industry will greatly facilitate the process of employment.

Student feedback on programs with internships: