
successful admissions


of students enter the university of their choice


students consult Education Index when applying for universites

Growth Package

Grow a number of views, leads and applications from Russian speaking students leveraging the Growth Package.

Add Your University to the Search

University’s page is built in both English and Russian languages and added to the University Search:

  • Information structured in 4 sections: Overview, Student life and Career, Entry Requirements, Tuition Fees and Scholarships (if available);
  • YouTube videos embedded – up to 3;
  • Images uploaded and presented in a slideshow – up to 10 images.

Enquiry leads generating form enabled;

  • Leads are sent directly to the University;
  • If submitted in Russian leads are translated within 24 hours on a working day.

Feature Your University

The University is placed at the top of 7000+ relevant searches a month:

Add Your Courses to the Search

Add pages of courses relevant for English-speaking students from Russian speaking countries to a searchable database of courses - more than 8000 searches a month.

Upgrade Your Course Pages

The Course Page is upgraded with images, native text, videos; localised and translated from English into Russian.

Feature Your Courses

The Course is placed at the top of relevant Сourse search results, 2000+ searches a month depending on the subject.

Use Native Advertising

Articles written, published and promoted on the website on the main and "Articles" pages:

  • university’s country visits;
  • scholarships announcements;
  • interviews with students and faculties;
  • university’s achievements;
  • other relevant news, stories and reports.


The newsletter is sent to 8000+ prospective students, subscribed to receive EI newsletter on our website:

  • at least 5 listings for a 6 month campaign;
  • at least 10 listings for a 12 months campaign.

Social Media

We will prepare and promote posts about your institution and featured courses on our VK and Facebook: 6 posts per month with outreach of 8 000+ members monthly.

Please fill in fields below to receive a quote:

How many Russian-speaking students study at your institution this academic year?
