
successful admissions


of students enter the university of their choice


students consult Education Index when applying for universites

Recruit students in Russian speaking countries

Who we are and What we do

educationindex.ru is a leading course search platform for students from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other Russian-speaking countries, where:

  • Students search information, universities and courses abroad,
  • Universities promote their advantages and study opportunities.

We continuously build an extensive database of institutions and courses, develop country specific content and invest in improved user-experience supporting Russian-speaking students all the way from researching an idea of going to study abroad to their relocation to the universities they were accepted by.

We help our partner-universities to effectively deliver the message of their value proposition to attract the right segments of, communicate with and recruit students in Russian-speaking markets.

Why work with

Receive student requests of unrivalled quality directly to the university’s email box
Grow the university’s brand recognition in Russian-speaking countries
Support your events, country visits and other recruitment activities in the region

We are in Numbers, a year

We are in Numbers,
a year

By Country

Country City %
Russia Moscow 16%
Russia S.Petersburg 6%
Ukraine Kiev 4%
Kazakhstan Almaty 4%
Kazakhstan Astana 2%
Belarus Minsk 2%
Uzbekistan Tashkent 1%
Russia Yekaterinburg 1%
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek 1%
Azerbaijan Baku 1%


Our Partners



Starter Package £400

Add your institution and its 10 courses to our search platform for 6 months to explore Russian speaking markets, support your other channels in Russian-speaking countries or maintain the presence in the market when the budget is limited.

Growth Package

Grow a number of views, leads and applications from Russian speaking students leveraging the Growth Package and its tailored individual approach.