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students consult Education Index when applying for universites

Finding and selecting the right programs:

  • From 5 to 15 universities
  • Up to 10 selection criteria
  • We can choose from any universities in the world

Individual selection of courses and universities

Почему русскоязычным студентам сложно самостоятельно подобрать вуз и программу за рубежом:

  • В зарубежных вузах программ по одному и тому же предмету больше, чем в российских вузах
  • У программ и вузов существует рейтинг. Это важный критерий выбора, но что он означает понимают не все, потому что вузы и программы в России построены по другому принципу

Подбор программы - самый важный этап поступления в зарубежный университет, т.к. этот выбор во многом определяет последующую жизнь студента: то где и кем он будет работать после окончания вуза.

Консультанты Education Index подберут программы:

  • которые лучшим образом отвечают вашим требованиям;
  • на которые у вас наиболее высокий шанс зачисления.

Что вы получаете

Мы предлагаем 3 пакета индивидуального подбора программ и вузов


15 000 руб

  • Подбор по 5 любым критериям
  • 5 вузов
  • Подбор программ из 2 схожих предметных областей
  • 30 минут консультации


20 000 руб

  • Подбор по любым 10 критериям
  • 5 вузов
  • Подбор программ из 3 схожих предметных областей
  • 30 минут консультации

This is how we select the programs for you

  • 1
    You leave a request in the form below
  • 2
    We will contact you and help you chose the suitable selection package
  • 3
    After the payment we will send you a detailed questionnaire where you will mark all important criteria, tell us which attributes you dream university must and mustn’t have.
  • 4
    Once you have filled out the questionnaire, we will settle the final set of criteria to base our search on.
  • 5
    Within 5 working days we will get back to you with the list of programs and universities.
  • 6
    We will call you to hold a 30 minute consultation regarding the selected programs

Frequently asked question

We select the universities and programs individually, depending on your request. Here are the most popular criteria our customers choose:
·  Country/city
·  Program
·  The ranking of the university/program: for example, only top 100 universities in the US are considered
·  Entry requirements: for example, IELTS no higher than 6.0, GPA not above 4.0, no requirements for GRE/GMAT, etc.
·  Price
·  Availability of scholarships for foreign students
·  Graduate prospects
·  Percentage of student satisfaction
·  Type of institution: campus university, urban university, peer university, etc.
·  Accommodation
·  Availability of Internship
·  Application deadline

Examples of criterium combinations:

Basic: program, country, the ranking of the university
Optimal: program, country, ranking of the university + two additional criteria: availability of scholarships or internship, graduate prospects, etc.
Premium: program, country, ranking of the university + 7 additional criteria

Any criteria can be applied upon your request
For example, Advertisement and Marketing, or Economics and Finance belong to the similar field of studies. However, the subjects included in these courses may vary.

Each program will have its own ranking, reputation, practical lessons. If a university has a highly-ranked marketing program, it doesn’t mean that their finance program is as good, too.

This is why our Basic package includes finding programs within one field of studies, for example, Economics and Finance.

Optimal will include two similar fields, for example, Marketing and Advertising, or Finance and Economics.

Premium will include programs from three similar fields, for example, Advertising, Marketing, and PR.
At least 5. It all depends on how many universities fit your criteria. If more than 5 universities do, we will gladly include them in our selection.
Before we start searching for the programs, we discuss your criteria and expectations in detail, that is why we never offer programs that do not fit your criteria.

Order services


15 000 руб.


20 000 руб.
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