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President of the Kazakhstan community about studying at University of York
President of the Kazakhstan community about studying at University of York
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President of the Kazakhstan community about studying at University of York

EI: hi! Tell us a little about yourself. How is it that you were in England?

My name is Nargiz Gafurova, I'm 20 and I'm studying in England for 6 years. I come from Astana and finished 9 classes in Kazakhstan, and the rest is in England. In school a couple of times came over to England for a summer course lasting one month. In 2012 came once again and decided to try to submit to a regular school. First time failed, but decided not to stay and immediately applied to another. I gladly accepted and very soon I became a student at Dover College. Filed and searched the school itself, search is not complicated! You only need to devote a lot of time and patience.

EI: what criteria did you choose the University and why he chose the University of York?

For me, the choice of University is uniquely dependent on the rating and subject matter, but many students give priority to the size of the city, the sea or the program. I took a course in Business and Management and at the time of admission (2015) York was in the top 20 best universities in business and in 14th place in the overall ranking. The atmosphere of the city and the University itself was no less important than the program itself. That is why a visit to “Open Day” (open day) is an important step in choosing a University. All 5 universities that I chose was in the top 20 and only 3 of them were in the Russell Group (a group of elite universities). It may seem that the pursuit of ratings is a waste of time, but ranking depends not only reputation, but also the quality of education. Best program, best teachers and great opportunities is what can provide top universities. All of the above I found in the University of York.

EI: What program you graduated in University of York? What are your impressions? Whether favorite items?

I am now on the last year of the Bachelor of Art (BA) Business and Management. Business has me extremely interesting and I love 95% of my items. Lectures are very interesting and cover different aspects of the business, lecturers incredibly smart and interesting people. The most favorite subjects were Business planning, Behavior in organizations and Consulting. At the end of the course I'll know a variety of aspects of the business and it allows me to choose any career direction.

>> View all programs at the University of York

EI: What are your impressions of student life at York University and the city? What did you do in your spare time?

The town is very quiet and beautiful, people are very polite and smiling. Our University has so many societies and events, so boring never happened. Fortunately, parties are not as many as in London, and will focus on the study not so difficult. In cities such as York need to go only for studying, night life and the number of stores, many do not like. Often people say that there bored, but for parties and shopping can always go to a nearby city or London. In my free time I spent with friends, traveled and participated in community life.

EI: You're the President of the Kazakhstan society of the University of York, right? Please tell us a little about the community and what is your role as President of the community.

I'm the President, but my main support is my Committee, without them I wouldn't have done it.

My role is to distribute assignments and last minute decision, but we all do all the same, come up with new events and preparing for them the whole day. We are going for lunch or in the library and reflect on new meetings and activities, calculate the budget and invite anybody interested in our culture. Kazakhstan society of the University of York is open to all, we welcome everyone.

Our culture cannot live without a table full of various dishes and fun program, so most of the time we cook and invent games. We also travel together, celebrate Kazakhstan and European festivals and watch movies. Some big events, we meet with other Kazakh communities throughout England. Such communities exist in every city. Community is the most important thing in University, we all want to be part of something. Away from home this is especially important and thus we miss home a lot less.

EI: the Most vivid memory about studying abroad?

The most vivid memories were travel to Europe, as many friends scattered around the world and the opportunity to visit and to live in their house and learn the culture first hand was very interesting. The number of people and cultures you meet on your way impossible to count, almost every day a new acquaintance and it can not but rejoice. We change with every new friend we get to know ourselves and reveal new interests. And this is the coolest that can give youth and life abroad.

EI: Thank you so much for sharing your experience! What would you finally like to tell our readers?

If you have the chance to study abroad, and you still think I don't know what you expect.

Study abroad is the best thing that can happen in a young person's life. When I left, I just turned 15 and I cried for a few months before departure. It seemed to me that my friends and my (at the time) boyfriend my whole life. Of course this is so stupid and I realized it later. Fortunately, my mother found the right words and it is good that the Pope insisted. I'm incredibly grateful for this opportunity. Friends became 20 times bigger, and the guys (girls) come and go. So don't you dare deprive yourself of such an incredible opportunity for anyone and especially out of fear. All the cool and interesting is waiting for you abroad. University of York a very good choice for Chemistry, Biology and Archaeology. And as for Politics, Business, and Law.

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