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MBA Business education

Business education abroad

MBA (Master of Business Administration, master of business administration) - master's program in the field of management training, which offers a range of business MBA schools around the world. The main objectives of the training program, MBA – obtaining additional education in the field of business, training, getting a second business education studying international business on the basis of the best schools in the world.

To study in the MBA program must have a diploma of higher education and experience at least 2 years. Business school with AMBA accreditation, establish minimum experience of 3 years.

There is a large variety of MBA programs. Before selecting an MBA school, you should understand which program is right for you. Programs differ by subject area, level of employment, form of study and duration.
Depending on the subject area, MBA schools may take completely different positions in the rankings.


When selecting a business school, you need to take into account many factors depending on your future goals. For the future student, the choice of a country for training, the experience of interaction in an international team, the need for a future diploma, and the cost of education have a huge role.
From this section, you can read step-by-step recommendations on choosing a business school.

Country Tuition fees Duration TOEFL GMAT
United Kingdom £16000 – £75000 1 year 100 more 650
USA $15000 - $200000 2 years 79 more 650
Canada $11000 - $45000 1 year 90 more 650
Netherlands €8000 - €50000 1 year 79 more 650
Germany €6500 - €200000 1 - 2 years 96 more 650
Czech $4500 - $18000 1 year 96 more 650

When entering the MBA program, a prospective student faces the problem of preparing documents. The process of admission to an MBA is different from the process of admission to a foreign university and, of course, very different from admission to a university.
In this section you will find instructions on how to prepare the necessary documents and requirements for entering the business schools of the world.


When you enroll in a business school, we recommend that you read the reviews of students who have graduated from this institution. In addition to studying at the university, you will encounter interaction with new people, make acquaintances at the university. If you plan to move to a new country, then, of course, some time you will take the process of adaptation to a new place of life.


Education Index specialists will be happy to assist you in enrolling in an MBA program. We will help you choose the right programs and universities, collect the necessary documents, make motivational and recommendation letters, send them to universities and get their positive answers.

Our consultants have significant experience in higher education abroad, and the editors of the accompanying documents have completed the Masters and PhD programs of leading universities in the world.



Read more about business education MBA

The importance of MBA education under of business education today, everyone has heard of. What can give the student a master's degree MBA, how to choose the right business school and why it is better to receive the degree MBA abroad you learn from this section.

As a rule, the main purpose of MBA education is to become highly skilled managers, thereby enhancing their career prospects and increasing revenue, however, possible and care in science – a number of business schools today offer pass course MBA PhD or DBA. Differs also program specialization - a General (General) or specialized, and includes units on narrow disciplines, for example, HR. Another feature learning MBA – a choice of learning format. The classic MBA – modular, with the division of the course into subject blocks lasting 2 weeks each, as well as the protection of the graduation project. Such a system is the equivalent of full-time study in Russia. The second option is to come to class every few months that allows you to fit study in MBA with work. Such a system is particularly relevant for top managers that it is often difficult to leave work for the long term and immerse themselves in their studies in business school. In addition, a number of business schools offers an MBA course remotely online. Regardless of the size and specialization of the course, students in MBA programs have the opportunity to expand their range of managerial competencies and to acquire practical skills in any of the areas of business and management, either international Economics, international business, Finance, marketing, personnel management, etc. Thus, training an MBA is a chance to advance your career, increase your knowledge and skills, and significantly increase your income. Important steps to getting an MBA course is the right choice of business school MBA, study entrance requirements, training and exams, preparation of accompanying documents.

How to choose a country to study in business school

In Russian universities study MBA out of its programmes where a diploma of the Russian Federation, and the MBA programs affiliate agreements on cooperation in the field of training MBA. In the case of when the student enrolled in the MBA program partner agreement, the student is awarded a diploma of the foreign University.

The cost of studying on the programs of MBA abroad is very different from the value of business education in Russia. The average cost of an MBA abroad - us $50.000-$200.000.